The Laughter

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I love laughter

It lightens the soul

Makes you think of grinning

I wonder though

Why it's funnier

When anger shakes the body

The words you speak

I don't know

Hold charm

They wash over the target

With an almost


Laughter fills the cold vessel

The warmth orgasmic

We take such pride

In the work of our hatred

The difference between sadness and


Is sadness riddles the body with aches

You are pushed

Pushed closer to death's door

People preach about smiles

Fuck I even do

Nobody ever said they had to be loaded

with grace,

Throwing someone's words back at them

with a twist,

Who the hell said that wasn't caring

They find joy

Their eyes light with malice

Why not join

The fucking bash

I forgot

That only works

If you can live

Live with guilt


Anybody else out there

Think having humanity

Is a sin

I'll just laugh

I won't tell you

If it is happy or sad

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