Part 65 - Not the End Actually

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Avalana Skylar Valerie.

I'm standing with my coat and my bag on my hand, I'm staring at my room that now so empty. Everything is packed cause this is the day where I'm going to leave everything here behind, getting over and moving on.

I can't believe I'm going to leave my families and friends here, even though we have technology now. But i know I'm going to miss them a lot. Especially Mom, Gabriel, Laura and Jacob. I can't believe Sarah, Diana and I are going to be separate with one Another. Diana is going to New York, I'm going to England while Sarah is staying here in LA. I wish we will never forget one another.

Jace, he said he's going to Europe or maybe Australia one day, Justin he's probably going to be anywhere around the world cause he's going to be a model. Ezra and Floyd they're staying here, and Apollo he's going to Harvard. I'm going to miss them so much, I don't know if I can live without them or not. We've been spending most of our time together for the past 4 years and they've been coloring my days since the very first day of school.

I suddenly hear a footsteps entering my room which makes me turn around and found Gabriel, standing on the door.

"Hey sis" he said.

"Gabe" i said.

"So this is the day right? You're going to leave me"


"Laura and Jacob"

"Actually not trying to be emotional today, but I've prepared for mom's crazy reactions" i said joking and it makes him laugh.

I'm going to miss Gabriel, a big brother that I could've asked for. He's always be there when i need him since i was a little.

"So you know, i opened one of dad's Letter last night" he said.

"And he said that he wants me to taking a good care of our family"

"And the company?"

"No he didn't mention it"

"He wants me to makes sure that everyone is happy and get what's best for them, so I'm here i just want to make sure, are you sure and happy about this?" He asked and it makes me laugh.

"I'm sure and happy Gabe" i laugh.

"So whatever happens with you and Apollo, just forget about it. I know you're going to be an amazing woman that learns from her problem" he said.

"Thanks Gabe" i said while walking closer to him.

I pull him into a hug, i missed this big brother hug. And i probably going to miss it.

"I'm going to miss you sis" he said.

"I'm going to miss you too" i said to him.

"Everyone is ready downstairs, your stuff and everyone is ready" he said and i started to feel emotional.

"Okay lets go" i said.

He walks out my room first, leave me alone in my room. I look around for the last time then walk out and close the door behind me.

I'm going to miss this house.

I found my mom, Laura and Jacob is standing at the lobby. A few cars is ready to drop me to the airport, mom has a tear in her eyes. This kind of thing makes it harder for me to leave.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to miss you" my mom said.

"Me too" i said as she started to pull me into a hug.

"Lets go, everything is ready" Gabriel said.

Mom and i get into the same car while Gabriel, Laura and Jacob are in the other car.

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