Sea God's Wall

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Letting himself be carried through the ocean current, Ergen had thankfully found what seemed like an underwater highway that the ocean's inhabitants used to travel quickly. A strange and small tube-like occurrence, Ergen was in the middle of this highway now along with several other species of creatures as they traveled though the ocean at an astounding pace. The sand flew by underneath them and the occasional pockets of coral or reefs passed by quickly as Ergen let the water take him to whichever destination it was headed in. He hadn't found the army of crabs again, but hopefully with this, he would be able to keep track of his direction. At least until he found a different place to call home, not that the ocean was all that bad...

Despite his earlier concerns about being in the open water, Ergen had discovered that life in the ocean wasn't that bad at all. Sure he was vulnerable, but so was everything else in the water and Ergen seemed to fit into the ecosystem perfectly as could eat just about anything in the water being they fish or vegetation. And what few predators he did face, Ergen was thankfully larger than them and could kill them with his frost breath easily. And the bigger ones... well, thankfully he hadn't attracted any of their attentions. Yet.

With nothing to do but wait and think while the current carried him, Ergen's mind attempted to sort through all of the memories that had rushed back into his head from before. His childhood, his school life and even some of his past friends... However, with every memory where they called out his previous name, the sound suddenly blurred and Ergen couldn't recall what they said. He couldn't remember any of his family members or even what he used to do for any of his hobbies. However, he did gain the knowledge of his old world. Cars, skyscrapers, dogs as pets and airplanes... Why could he remember all of those things but not even his own family? Was it just the common knowledge that was returned for him? Why was it just this specific category of useless memories that were completely unrelated to this world?

All of these questions stormed chaotically in Ergen's mind, and he shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts before he finally realized that something was strange in the water around him. All of the fish that had been using the current before were gone, having disappeared while he'd been lost in thought. Though why he didn't know until he started hearing something that was an oddity. The low roaring noise that almost sounded like volcanic activity, however the sandy dunes beneath him remained the same as ever. There didn't seem to be any underwater volcanoes in sight until Ergen finally found out what the sound was, and he instantly started swimming faster through the current to try and avoid whatever was rising to the surface beneath him.

Having been nothing but hills made of sand so far, the ground suddenly started rising beneath where Ergen was swimming, making a giant cloud off sand shoot up and into the current while he attempted to get past it. However, what Ergen thought was at first a volcano turned out to be something even more terrible as a creature's massive black form shot out of the sand cloud, looking around it quickly before setting it's sights on Ergen.

Seeming to be the width of an large commercial airplane, the creature looked almost as if it were a massive angler fish, though it had a flat body like a manta-ray would. It was completely covered by pitch-black scales that gave it an evil feeling, and Ergen didn't want to have anything to do with it as he swam away frantically, though the fish didn't seem to have the intention of letting him escape as Ergen soon found himself being chased. It seemed intent on claiming him as it's meal, though Ergen wasn't willing for that to be his fate as all as he sped down the current, praying to Echo that there would be come kind of reef or perhaps cave system up ahead where he could take shelter from the creature that was slowly overtaking his speed.

Growing hopeful at first as what looked like a forest of kelp came into view in front of them, Ergen hopes at finding shelter within the plants were soon dashed realized that the plants weren't kelp at all, nor did they offer him any protection. Instead, the plants were tall and straight, seeming to have some kind of long and flat leaves on them that spun completely around their 'trunks' due to the fast-current sweeping through them. With how many of the plants there were, the place seemed to be more like a natural meat grinder rather than an actual kelp forest, and after seeing a few random fish get caught  in the leaves and get torn apart, Ergen knew that he would be killed instantly if he was caught in the middle of them.

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