Chapter 9- What He Left Behind

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I'd like to take a moment to quickly thank everyone who is still reading this story despite my pattern of infrequent updates and my long bouts of writers block. You guys are awesome for being so dedicated, and I really appreciate you! I'll try to make it up by posing several good quality chapters within the next week.

Quick note, none of the fan art up until this point has belonged to me. However, the video attached to this chapter is my own creation. Feel free to check it out! I feel like the song is very fitting for Shin-ah, and explains a lot of the internal conflicts he faced while he was growing up, as well as when he was fighting with himself to leave his past behind and travel with Yona. 

Be warned, it does have some spoilers if you don't yet know about his full past. Alright, I'm done rambling now, read on! 


(Y/N's) POV 

A royal blue orb shimmered in the midst of darkness. It tantalizlingly floated just inches above (Y/N) and shifted away from her outstretched fingertips so elusively every time she aimed to touch it. She wanted to capture the the bright patch of light and keep it close to her because its disappearance would leave her with nothing. She was afraid that if it drifted off without her, she would be trapped in the inky blackness forever. 

She swiped at the the illuminate for what felt like hours before finally giving up, and sitting down cross-legged in the empty world of nothingness. It was discouraging that what she desired most was so elusive, yet at the same time her concession didn't drive away the orb. Instead it lowered itself slightly, remaining just out of reach. She was content to leave it be for the time being, as it seemed to be in no rush to abandon her. 

Through the black haze, she could faintly discern a miserable voice. She squinted, trying to see if there was another person keeping her company. Sadly, the sound was so distant that she doubted there was another soul nearby. Even so, her concentration allowed her to better distinguish what the person was saying.  

"Right after the Blue Dragon is born, we put a mask on him and don't let him out much. That is the rule."

The blue light suddenly glowed brighter before swellling in size and lowering itself to her eye level. The unexpected motion alarmed her, but the spiraling orb ensured she remained paralyzed as she peered into its mysterious depths. Her heart raced with anticipation, but she didn't feel as though she was in any immediate danger, so she decided to play along.

 An image suddenly formed, transporting her into a dingy hut where a newborn was laid upon a bed of straw. A woman with braided hair was kneeling on the ground, wailing in despair at the sight of her baby boy. Three men watched the scene with clenched jaws and hardened gazes, exhibiting an insurmountable level of hatred towards the new family. 

"So... the new monster is born then?" One of them reiterated, seating himself on a mat all the way across the room to get as far away from the crib as possible.

"It would appear so," an elder answered gravely. The wrinkled villager carefully inspected the newborn, and as he did so his lips creased downwards with the upmost displeasure. "By God... I was hoping I'd meet the end of my time before our village had to witness the birth of the next atrocity."

(Y/N) couldn't help but beam as she followed the man's gaze and saw the little one swaddled up tightly in a dusty violet cloth. His nose twitched slightly, and then he released a cute sneeze that nearly melted her heart. His lashes fluttered open to reveal the most gorgeous golden eyes, which smoldered with a curious intensity as he looked back at the elder. He wasn't at all fussy despite the fact that his mother wasn't holding him, and seemed rather content with just sucking his thumb while surveying the world around him. She wished she could insert herself into the picture and cuddle his tiny frame to her chest, but she had no choice but to remain immobile and watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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