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so since the royal wedding just passed i thought i'd take up conspiracy theories revolving around princess diana and her death


princess diana was born Diana Frances Spencer on the first of july 1961 in Sandringham, United kingdom. In the november of 1977, when Diana was 16, she first met Charles, Prince of Wales. At that time he was still dating her older sister, Sarah and it wasn't till the summer of 1980s when their romance struck up at a weekend getaway. they got engaged in febuary 1981 and were married on July 29 1981.

their marriage was very toxic, both of them cheated on numerous occasions, diana developed a eating disorder and even attempted to commit suicide. she recorded her thoughts, feeling on tape and it was in here that she mentioned that her disorder, bulimia, started when ' "My husband put his hand on my waistline and said: 'Oh, a bit chubby here, aren't we?' and that triggered off something in me."' She also stated that before the wedding Prince Charles kept visiting his now wife, camilla. throught the mariage he didn't supress his feelings for her (camilla) either.

there's so much more that happened between them and princess diana often called camilla the third person in their relationship but if i was too write about all thaat we'd never get to the conspiracies.

their divorce was finalized in August 28, 1996  and diana recieved £17 million as well as £400,000 per year. Diana lost the title 'her royal highness' and was instead known as Diana, Princess of Wales.

this has nothing to do with the conspiracy theory but i thought that it was cute but  prince William was reported to have reassured his mother: "Don't worry, Mummy, I will give it back to you one day when I am King." (he's referring to the title 'your royal highness')

the first video is a shorter/choppy not full version of the video diaries, the second one i believe  is the full version


the queen wrote diana and charles a letter in which she told them to get a divorce

diana was a loved by everyone. she was often referred to as the 'people's princess' due to her healthy relation with the public/people.

she was also a very different member of the royal. she regularly broke rules such as the dress code and she was very open to the public and spoke however she felt. in one interview she even revealed that she believed that the family she married into didn't like her

quoting wikipedia 'Diana gave her sons wider experiences than was usual for royal childrenShe chose their first given names, dismissed a royal family nanny and engaged one of her own choosing, selected their schools and clothing, planned their outings, and took them to school herself as often as her schedule permitted. She also organised her public duties around their timetables.'

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