The RX Factor - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Their table out on the deck at Rosey’s offered a splendid view of the assembled boats in the harbor, a forest of masts and a spiderweb of rigging. Jordan, who seemed to have little appetite, nibbled on conch fritters and nursed a daiquiri.

“Did you learn anything new from Pritchard?” Ryan asked over his margarita.

“To say the least. The superintendent informed me that besides my aunt and uncle, there was a third body on the boat.”

Ryan’s jaw dropped and he straightened up in his chair. “I thought you said it was only you and your aunt and uncle who were staying on board.”

“That was the plan. At this point, no one can identify this mysterious third person. I think Pritchard suspects that the explosion was no accident.”

“Based on what evidence?”

“I’m not sure of all the reasoning, but so far we know that the explosion was not typical for a fuel leak, an unknown person was discovered in the wreckage, and three people were suspiciously inquiring about Bulls and Bears a few days ago. Based on all of that, I’m about ready to sign on to his conspiracy theory.”

“Don’t jump the gun, Jordan. This is a small, friendly, but poor, family island. It would not surprise anyone, including Pritchard, to find out your aunt and uncle had a late-night visitor trying to sell them an extra fish or offering service in some way and then ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

“And as far as these three people asking questions about the yacht, come on. A vessel of that magnitude was worthy of carrying an A-list celebrity or even royalty. I am sure these weren’t the only three people who inquired about the Bulls and Bears, just the ones identified thus far to Pritchard.”

“Sounds reasonable, but then why was Pritchard giving me the third degree?”

“Just doing his job. A person like Pritchard is trained not to make conclusions when uncertainty still exists.”

As they finished their lunch, Ryan shifted awkwardly in his chair and asked, “Have you thought about where you’re going to stay?”

She stared at him without responding.

He gave a short, nervous cough. “My place is comfortable, at least it will be once I tidy things up a bit, and it will take you out of the line of sight of curiosity seekers.” He rushed on. “That is, if you want to. I mean, don’t feel pressured.”

She hesitated a moment, then said, “Sure. First, I’ll need to do some shopping. Everything I had was on the yacht besides what I picked up yesterday.”

Ryan offered to drive her wherever she needed to go. Within a few hours, they had hit most of the vendors at the open market and Jordan returned to Ryan’s place with several bags filled with the latest island fashions along with personal items that she was able to purchase at the local drugstore.

After returning to his house, they went out back onto the veranda that faced the crystal-clear expanse of Hoopers Bay. As Jordan settled into the wicker couch, she crossed her legs, revealing a tantalizing expanse of thigh in the slit of her tan cotton dress. The offshore breeze flared through her hair as her eyes scanned the tropical horizon.

She rivals the views here, hands down, he thought.

Ryan served up some lemonade, not wanting her to think of him as the consummate drunk. She accepted with a “Thanks,” brushing his hand with hers as she took the glass. She kept her eyes on him over the rim as she sipped. She pursed her lips from the tartness and recrossed her legs. His eyes followed.

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