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Jaxon made good on his promise. Iggy arrived back in his bed moments before the morning alarm went off. As the other tributes rose from their cots, he remained on the edge of his staring at his father's pendant.

Deep in thought, he mulled over the deal he made with the rebel.

A guard's keycard in exchange for medicine for his mother—medicine that would help keep her alive while he fought in the Elysian Games. Getting what Jaxon needed wouldn't be easy, especially with the next challenge on the horizon, but he'd do whatever needed to be done; both inside and outside of the arena.

The game was scheduled for later that day, meaning he had about twelve hours to steal a keycard. Sighing, he stood up and ventured into the communal bathroom to wash last night away. After his shower, he found Tenn standing by the door. The man stared at the ground, almost as if upset at the dull stone beneath his feet. His calloused fingers tugged at the long, grey hairs of his beard. Iggy approached with caution.

"You alright, Tenn?"

"Yes. Just...thinking."

"About what?"

"Many things."

Iggy took that as his cue to stop asking questions. He'd already pried enough into the Andradan's life; Tenn deserved to linger in the depths of his own mind for a bit. Still, Iggy didn't enjoy seeing the pensive look in his pale eyes or the brief flashes of pain striking his face like lightning from a storm cloud.

But he let it go. For now, at least. If they survived after tonight, he'd recommend some therapy for the old man. That was a big if. A huge one, in fact.

Even with Ivy's tip on the nature of their second challenge, they still weren't sure what waited for them in the stadium's pit. They could spar and train all they wanted, but nothing could truly prepare them for what awaited them. Merely thinking about it sent Iggy's already bogged mind into a frenzy. The lack of sleep hadn't helped either. The water from the showers might've washed the sleep out of his eyes, but it still lingered throughout his body like a pesky virus.

Tenn arched a brow at him. "Rough night?"

"Er, yeah. Something like that."

"You saw him again, didn't you?"

Iggy's face went red. "Saw who? What're you talking—"

"Don't play dumb with me, Iggorii."

Nothing got past him.

"Alright, I did, but it wasn't like I went looking for him." Tenn said nothing, but the unimpressed look on his face said more than enough. "Honestly, I wasn't. He found me first."

Tenn creased his brow at the information. "Did he now?" He paused. "What did he want?"

Iggy bit down on his lip. He wasn't in the mood to be chastised for making bad decisions—he knew taking up Jaxon's deal wasn't the smartest move, but it needed to be done. Would Tenn understand? The stars pointed towards no.


There was no point in keeping it secret. Perhaps he could even use Tenn's help even if he disagreed with the idea...

"Jaxon needed my help," he admitted. "He told me he's a part of the Axarian Alliance and they're working on a plan to kidnap a Noblus."

Tenn pressed his lips into a thin flat line; they nearly disappeared behind his thick facial hair. "What could he possibly need your help with?"

"First, ouch. Second, he needs a keycard from one of the guards. I'm guessing he can't just roam the arena during the day like we can, so that's why he needs me."

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