Chapter 15

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I didn't realize how nervous I really was until now. I am currently standing in front of Ace's front door waiting for Ace to unlock the door. As he opens the door, the sweet smell of lemons fill the air as I see his mother in the kitchen pulling out a freshly baked lemon pie.

"I'm guessing you are Maya?" Ace's dad says as he walks out of the living room.

"Oh yes, I'm Maya Walters and it is a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Please, call me Sam." He smiles as he pulls me into a hug.

We walk to the dinning table as Ace's mom brings over the rest of the food to the table

"Oh hey there Maya!" She says excitedly as she sets the food down.

"Hi Mrs. Andrews, do you need any help?"

"Oh don't worry dear, you are a guest. Please have a seat, what do you want to drink?"

"A water would be fine, thank you." I say as I sit down.

She walks to the kitchen to get a glass of water as Ace sits next to me.

"Don't stress about this dinner, they are gonna love you." He whispers as he puts his hand on top of mine.

I smile as I watch Sam sit down across from Ace as he slices the lasagna. Ace's mom comes back with a glass of water along with a glass of sprite for Ace.

"I hope you like lasagna," She says as she places the two glasses in front of us.

"I haven't had lasagna in a long time actually." I say as I take a sip of water.

"Oh goodness, Sam please feed this child my homemade lasagna." She says as she pours herself a glass of wine.

Ace's dad places a slice of lasagna onto our plates as Ace passes around a basket of garlic bread.

"So, Ace says that you are new to Virginia." Sam says as he places lasagna onto his plate.

"Yes, I came here from California. I'm just here till the school year is over and then I am going back."

"Well that's odd, Why come mid way into the year and then leave?" Ace's mom says as she takes a sip of her wine.

"Well, I guess I just wanted to get away from my mom for a little bit and just visit some family." I say as I take a bite of my garlic bread.

"Oh, you have family here?" Ace's dad asks as he takes a bite of the lasagna.

"Yea, Maya is related to the Williams family." Ace says as he eats his food.

Ace's mom looks up questionably and says,"William's Family? As in Mia Williams?"

"Yea, that is her cousin." Ace says as he takes a sip of his sprite.

"Oh... well that's wonderful that you get to visit your family. How are you liking Meadowside?" She asks.

"I think it is wonderful, although there are some people who are just awful." I say as I take a bite of the lasagna.

"Laura, I think she is talking about that girl Amber." Ace's dad laughs.

"Oh dear, that girl is a handful. She is just like her mother back in high school." She says as she shakes her head.

As we finish our meal and talked for a bit, Ace's mom comes out with the lemon pie she baked earlier.

"I hope you like lemons." She giggles as she places the pie on the table.

"Wow, I haven't had Lemon pie since I was a little kid or pie in general." I laugh as I slice myself a piece.

"Oh my goodness, as a kid?" Ace says as he helps me get a piece of pie.

" mom is very strict on what I can eat and what I can't eat." I sigh as I thank him for helping me.

"Well it's a good thing you are here Maya." Ace's dad laughs as he gets a slice for himself. 
I look up to see Ace's mom looking at me curiously.

As I take a bite, it instantly reminds me of how I remembered it to be when I was a little kid. It was the same pie as the one Ace's mom used to make for us when we were little.

"Tastes like my childhood." I say jokefuly as I take another bite.

"Nothing like homemade pie made with love." Ace smiles as he looks at me.

After everyone finished eating, I helped Ace's mom clean up along with Ace and his dad of course.

"Hey Maya, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick and then I can take you home." Ace says as he kisses my cheek.

He leaves as Ace's dad says, "It was great meeting you Maya, I have to go to bed early cause I got early shift tommorow."

"It was nice meeting you too Mr. Andrews." I say smiling as he leaves the kitchen.

"Does Ace know?" Ace's mom says as she washes the dishes.

"Does he know what?" I say questioningly.

"Does he know that you are Mia?" Ace's mom says smiling as she turns to look at me.


"Sweetie, your mom and dad are both the only child. As soon as I heard that you are "cousins" with Mia Williams, I already knew something was up. Besides, even with this wig and fake contacts, I still can see this sweet little girl that used to be in this house every single day." She says as she holds my hand. "How come you never contacted us dear, we missed you so much?" She says as she begins to tear up.

"I'm sorry, my mom refused to contact you guys when I moved to California. She gave me a new phone and I lost all of your phone numbers. I should've asked my dad but I thought you guys were mad at me." I say as I begin to tear up.

"Oh honey, We were never mad at you, we were just upset at the fact that you never contacted us. It was as if you packed up your bags and left this town without even saying goodbye." She cries. "When are you gonna tell Ace?"

"I don't know if I'm honest, I should have told him as soon as I met him but I was just scared that my secret was going to get out and then I would have to go back to California. My mom doesn't even know I am here, she thinks that I am in Australia getting ready for tour." I cry as she pats my back.

"Wait, Maria doesn't know you are here?" 

I shake my head, "I wanted to come to Virginia to experience what it would've been like if I never went to California. You know I can only contact my dad every two weeks. It's crazy how I can't even contact my friends and family back home but I can be on a strict vegan diet for two years." 

"Oh honey, I understand why you did all of this, but just be sure to tell Ace okay. He deserves to know, especially since it's you," She says smiling as she wipes away my tears. She pulls me to a hug as I see Ace walk into the room.

"Is everything alright?" Ace says as he looks at us with concern.

"Yea, everything is fine, Maya and I just had a heart to heart conversation." Ace's mom says as she smiles at me.

"I never had a heart to heart with my mom so it was nice to talk with your mom." I say as I hold Ace's hand.

"Goodbye sweetie, please come back soon." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"I will don't worry." 

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