summer update and question

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A/n:Hello readers I have some news some good some bad but allow me to tell you some good I will be getting an actual internet source so you the reader can play with me or against me in halo3,odst,4, reach, GTA, and call of duty modern warfare 3 and maybe destiny i will release an announcement  as well a new story and its one of these game titles so I need two names for specific reason when it is all set up and ready and that's if I get Xbox live and you will likely see some special summer updates now on to the bad news the device I use to help me make the chapters is a school computer that I borrow from them to get online home work done so but I do have my own computer its just a matter of getting it back from my aunts and having it plug up to the TV to get the right thing
So that all I wanted to say so this a semi short brake but I will. Releases some summer themed chapters along with special holiday's as well so I will see you then spartans dismiss.  I'm working on a chapter for this story as well!!

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