When The Going Gets Rough

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Chapter 1.)- When The going Gets Rough.

"Awesome job again guys!" Our manager Sammy jumped up from her wheeled chair and her short hair bounced like her personality. Ry-Sky, Dylan, Neal and myself made our way out of the rehearsal room. My name is November and I'm in a band with some of my best friends. I'm nineteen years old, the youngest of my band and often called 'The Baby.'

"Thanks Sam." I said and hung the acoustic guitar up on the wall.

"So, do you know how the sales where for this past month?" Dylan asked Sammy. Our first album had been released a little over a month ago after our Eps had done so well.

"Ah-maze-ing!" She shouted. And she wasn't even on drugs, she's even more hyper when she's sucked up enough weed.

"Speaking of amazing I have some news!" She cheered.

"Go on..." Ry pushed.

"You are going to Warped Tour." Sam clasped her hands together.

"You're kidding." Neal said as his jaw almost hit the floor.

"Oh my god." I said.

"Pack your bags for next week! You're going around the U.S." Sam laughed. Ry-Sky grabbed my arms and we started jumping up and down uncontrollably.

Neal and Dylan jumped around with us and it was safe to say we were all squealing like small girls. This was our dream and now it was actually coming true!

"I can't wait to tell Gerard!" I said as we left and headed into my car. Might I add I spent my first few paychecks on a hearse. I'm the proud owner of a vehicle that carried dead bodies in its past life.

I dropped everybody off at their homes and soon headed to mine. The traffic was shitty as it always was in California but I spent the time listening to my own album in the car. Call me vain but we did a very fucking fabulous job. Everything was in perfect tune and form and our lyrics I felt were relatable for our kids.

When I finally got home and opened the door I was greeted by my furry feline friend, Ozzy. I picked him up and cooed in a baby voice incoherent noises which apparently made him meow.

"I'm home! I shouted. My mom stuck her head out from the kitchen.

"How was rehearsal?" She asked.

"Good, awesome actually we got very exciting news."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, but I want to tell you and Gerard. Is he home?"

"I think he's in your guys bedroom playing video games." She said. For the time being until my boyfriend and I can get a house we lived with my mom. My parents were divorced and I had no idea where my dad was but I could bet it was no where good.

I went to the top of the stairs since our room was in the basement and shouted down to him.

"Gerard? Babe can you come up here I have something to tell you!" I said, still holding my cat. Gerard appeared at the bottom of the stairs in his pajamas and smiled up at me.

"I was starting to get lonely." He laughed. He climbed the stairs and when he reached the top he kissed my lips and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, you had video games!"

"Yeah but video games aren't you!" he said and kissed my cheek.

"So what do you have to tell me?" he asked as he followed me into the kitchen where my mom was still preparing dinner. I set Oz down on the ground and leaned against the kitchen island.

"Something big was told to me and the band today," I said trying to drag it out. "And, our dreams our coming true. We're going to Warped tour."

"No way!" Gerard said picking me up and spinning me around until the both of us felt nauseous and laughed.

"Oh honey I'm so proud of you!" My mom was the next one to squeeze me to death.

"You get to come to warped tour with me!" Gerard said happily. His band, 'My Chemical Romance' were main stage this year and I was going to go and watch but now I get to do it everyday and not be a lonely fuck all summer. I got to tour with the love of my life.

"I'm so excited! I want to start packing but I still have like six days." I said bouncing up and around.

"Tomorrow night, I'm taking you guys out to dinner." Gerard pointed to me and my mom. "A celebration dinner, for dreams coming true."

I smiled at him and hugged him.

"I love you princess." He said hugging me back tightly.

"I love you too, prince."

"Good." he laughed.

"Mom do you think sometime during the day tomorrow we could go shopping for stuff?" I asked after I pulled away from Gerard.

"Sure! But you still have a while."

"I know but I'm just so excited like I want to get everything done early because I know I'll be panicking in a couple days like right before we leave."

"That's truth if I've ever heard it." Gerard chuckled as he grabbed plates for the three of us.

"Shut up!" I giggled.

After dinner the three of us did what we normally did, watch movies. But always half way through Mom would get tired an go upstairs and go to bed. So Gerard and I would watch the remainder of it. Then we would go to bed around midnight or one in the morning, and talk for a while. We had a very healthy relationship and I was glad about it because I could see such a bright future for the two of us, and forever. I was especially tired that night so the both of us barely talked and fell asleep quite quickly. It was probably all of this excitement, these next few days would come so slowly but I could tell the summer would fly by fast like bats out of hell.


Alright yes give me shit IK I haven't finished my other Fan fics but I only wrote this because I'm almost finished with one of them so I figured if just start this. And for those of you who are confused I promise you is is a Christofer Drew Fan fiction don't fret it's jut the first chapter.

and the fabulous trailer is made by Panic4panic!

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