Chapter six

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after gym, Tobias and I walk to Arts class. We sit in the back and Tori comes in "good morning class, today we are going to draw something. A person, a place, whatever it doesn't matter, just draw something" the class nods and we start drawing. I decided to draw Tobias, I start by drawing his eyes, then his nose, his lips, then add some details. "What are you drawing?" He asks and I blush

"um nothing" I say

"let me see! I won't laugh, I promise" he says.

I shake my head no "please!" He begs me and gives me puppy eyes. I look away because I can't take it.

"nah" he turns around and begins to draw a Ferris Wheel. I put down the paper and grab my phone, but when I turn Tobias has the paper in his hands.

"Give me!" I say. I don't know if I should be angry or embarrassed

"oh my god! This is amazing!" He says and I blush

"thank you" he says and kisses cheek

"can I keep it?" He asks.

I smile and nod "yeah, sure".

After arts class we go to lunch. Tobias grabs two slices of pizza for both of us, coke and dauntless cake. Yummy!! We sit in our table and the gang joins us too.

"Hey guys what's up!" Lynn says "hey" We say at the same time

"Did you know that Chris Evans is coming to Chicago!" Christina says and I smile. Chris is going to be in the movie that my dad is producing. I met Chris two years ago. He's like a brother to me. Yesterday my dad told me he's going to stay in our house for a week or so.

"Really when?" Tobias asks. I look at him and he seems excited "this week I think. Isn't that the coolest thing!" Christina says and I giggle. I think I should tell them... Or it could be a surprise. I could throw a party at my house and have a sleepover with my friends. Then when Chris comes, they can meet him. "Hey guys I'm going to have a party this Friday" I say and they all stare at me "awesome, we'll be there" Uriah says and they nod. Tobias grabs my hand and kisses my cheek "you're hiding something, what is it?" He whispers in my ear "it's a surprise!" I whisper back and he smirks.

After lunch I go to my locker to get my books for English. Tobias is in the gym talking to Coach Dane about entering the football team. I close my locker and start walking to my next class when two hands cover my eyes. The person blindfolds me and picks me up. "Come on, hurry" a girl says. I know that voice too damn well. Lauren. "Okay, okay" someone else says. They take me to a room that smells really bad. They uncover my eyes and the first thing is see is cleaning supplies. This must be the janitor's closet. Lauren stands in front of me and punches me in my jaw. I try to fight back but someone is holding me back. "Stay away from Four!" She says and kicks me in my stomach. I yell out in pain and she slaps me "shut up!" I bite my lip and she kicks me several times.

"S-stop please" I beg. "I hope you learn your lesson" she says and walks out.

Tears are streaming down my face. The person that's holding my hands let's go of me and opens the door "I don't get it, how can Four like you and be with you when he has me" she laughs and walks out. I cry and yell for help but no one seems to hear me. Everyone is in class, they can't hear me. I try to reach my phone, but before I text Tobias I black out...

Hey everyone

I hope you liked this chapter, I'll try to update as soon as I can.

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