Chapter Four

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I was surprisingly in a good mood today. This morning I made him some french crepes. He looked pleasantly surprised with how beautiful my dish looked. I smiled just thinking about it. I was always good at making dishes look beautiful, and crepes just so happens to be the dish I'm best at.

All day, I have been reading and exploring the house. I found a library, a gym, and outdoors, a pool and garden. It wasn't looking too bad here honestly. During the day, I'm alone and could do a lot of things in this huge, gorgeous house, and at night I slept safely in a room no one enters. However, I still missed my home.

Currently, I was finishing up steak and mashed potatoes. My mashed potatoes included a little cheese, bacon, and scallions to add a bit of flavor, so it was a favorite recipe.

I heard him walking in, and I promptly set the plate down for him and took a spot next to him. I didn't expect him to say anything since he hasn't said much in my past encounters with him, so it surprised me to hear him say some words.

"What have you eaten today?"

"Some crepes this morning and snacks from your pantry." I mumbled, blushing because I felt like I was stealing from him even though I need food to keep me alive.

"Not good." I heard him mumble. "Get a plate." He commanded. I knew what he was going to do.

"it's fine. I don't need"

He cut me off. "I said get a plate." This time with more force. I quickly scurried off to the cabinet containing them. Once I put my plate down, he commanded again, "get a fork and knife." I did as he told me to do, and when I came back, I saw him scooping some of his mashed potatoes on my plate.

"What are you doing? It's your food." I quietly said.

"You need to eat. Next time, make some for yourself as well." He started to cut his filet mignon in half.

"I don't need that. It's expensive." I told him to try to leave some more food on his plate.

"I don't care how much it costs. Eat all my lobster or caviar. I don't care. I'll buy you whatever food you want. Just make sure to eat properly." He placed one half of the steak near my mashed potatoes. "Eat."

I hesitantly picked up my fork and knife and began to eat. Together, we ate in silence. This one wasn't as awkward as the last two times we ate together. Maybe it's because I have something to do.

He finished before I did, but he waited for me to finish before he got up to put his and my plate in the sink. I walked behind him to clean the plates.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I started to clean one of the plates.

"Washing the plates." I replied. He shook his head.

"I have maids for a reason. You don't need to clean anything."

"It's okay. I've been doing it for the past" He cut me off again.

"Don't clean them anymore. It's just work you don't have to do. Come upstairs with me." I was hesitant to stop cleaning the plate, but his eyes always held a look that screamed don't argue with me. I slowly put down everything and followed him upstairs. He opened a door that I have not tried before because it's always locked. He held it open and motioned for me to go inside. I walked right in to see an office. It must be his office. Why am I here?

"Sit." He pointed to the black leather couch near his desk. I sat down and watched him sit at his desk, typing away on his computer.

After about 20 minutes, I was bored out of my mind. Why does he want me here?

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