Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-six


Lacy punched in the security code as Chase called it out to her. He’d insisted she drive around the condominium parking lot four times to make sure he didn’t see anyone watching. She finally parked the car and cut off the engine. “Where’s your condo key? And where will I find the key to the locker?”

“Change of plans, I’m going in.” Chase raked a hand over his face, and gave the parking lot another glance.

“No. Someone will recognize you.”


“Tell me I’m not right, Chase. Do you really think you’ll get inside without someone calling the police?”

She saw the truth of her words hit him and she pressed: “Please. No one will think twice about me walking in. I’ll go in and out. Nothing to it.” But even as she retained a calm front, Lacy’s stomach danced a tango. Jeepers! She didn’t know how Chase did this kind of thing every day.

“Lacy, please.” He brushed a hand over her cheek. “Stay here. I’ll go.”

“And if you get caught now, what’s going to happen? You’ll go to jail before you can prove what Zeke did. You know I’m right.” She closed her eyes to the warmth of his touch. She loved him. The realization would have sent her heart racing if it hadn’t been already dancing to keep up with her stomach.

“The key.” She held out her hand. “We’re wasting time.”

“It’s unit two-fifteen.” His jaw clenched, but he dropped the key in her palm. “The key card is bright blue with ‘Ace Gym’ written on it. It will be either in a basket on my bathroom cabinet or in the top left drawer of my dresser in the bedroom. You go in, get it, and get out. I’m giving you three minutes and then I’m in after you.”

“Ten,” she insisted. “Give me ten.”


She reached down for the vase of flowers sitting in the console between the two seats. The smell of roses filled her nose. Opening the door, she gave him a quick smile.

“In and out, Lacy,” he warned as she closed the door.

She nodded and held the vase of roses in front of her face. Reaching the stairs of the condominium, her heart pumped fear through her body, making her tingle, giving the hairs on the back of her neck a reason for a standing ovation. But deep down, Lacy had to admit she felt gutsy and a little bit high. A real Charlie’s Angel, she thought.

The bottom floor of the building had people strolling around. Lacy got in the elevator, her face shielded by green sprigs of baby’s breath. The elevator doors started to close, then out of nowhere a hand appeared between them. Lacy bit her lip, relieved when two women hurried inside. Giving them personal space, Lacy took a step back.

A brunette with big brown eyes stepped in beside her, and a tall blonde, sleek and sophisticated and wearing a pink silk suit, took the place in front of her.

“Oh, hi, Jessie,” the brunette said, touching the blonde on the arm.

Jessie? Was this make-dinner-and-have-sex-with-her Jessie? Lacy peered through the roses to get a better look, but with the woman’s back to her, she could only see a cascade of hair. Nice hair.

“Hi,” Jessie answered. “How’s the job search going?”

“Terrible,” the brunette answered, and then cut her eyes to Lacy with interest. “You wouldn’t be delivering them to condo four hundred, would you? I could use a sweet gesture. Or a job would do.”

Divorced, Desperate, and DeliciousNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ