『Chapter 11』The Hero Killer Stain

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Waiting at the train station, I was with Katsuki and the rest of our class. Today, our internships start.

"Im going with Endeavor, Shoto is also going with me." I tell him. Bakugo was uninterested. Until I mentioned Todoroki's name.
"Who did you choose?" I ask him. Trying to change the subject. It would be better if we don't leave on bad terms.

Him and I haven't had a fight. Immature arguments? Sure. And those alone involve fire. I would hate to see him truly angry. And he has yet to see me truly infuriated.
Deep down, I wonder if me and him was a good idea.

"The fourth best hero, Best Jeanist." He says with glowing red eyes filled with pride.
And I was reminded that he is the best decision I have made so far.

A dry chuckle comes out of my mouth.

"What's so funny? You making fun of me?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing. I just...It's time for me to go." I wait a second. Internally, I debated whether to give him a goodbye romantic gesture. Normal couple things.
I wasn't sure if Bakugo was going to go for it or I would have to.

He didn't move so I did.

My hands caress his thick arms before wrapping themselves over his shoulders. Tightly, I embrace him. Touching him, everything else faded away. The trains made no noise. Voices dispersed into nothingness.
Just him and I. Together.
Bakugo didn't hug me back. Not for the first few seconds. Later, he returned the gesture by wrapping his arms around my waist. His head resting on the crook of my neck.
The feeling of serenity took over. I wished it would stay like this forever.
No school. No trouble. No fights. No villains. No heroes.
Only him. Me. Us.

Calm as it was, we had an audience, "Aww that's so cute!" Mina squealed.

Her comment made the rest of the class to lurk over.

"Still can't believe they are dating." Sero adds.

The interruption ruined the moment. Bakugo and I let go of each other.

"Y/n." Shoto calls to me. "Time to go."


Shoto and I were at a train, heading for Endeavor's head quarters.

"Why did you choose my father?" He had asked this question after 15 minutes of being in the train.

I answered him with honesty. I told him that I wanted to learn how to control my own flames. And Endeavour was the number two hero...It was too perfect to let his invitation go to waste.


We both stand with our things in the entrance of Endeavour's office.

Shoto and Endeavor, obviously, had intense eye contact. It was awkward.

"You both should get ready, we are heading out." Endebaour said smiling, but it seemed really intimidating.

"Where to?" Shoto asked. Uninterested.

"It's time I show you what it means to be a hero" The pro hero said, chuckling a bit.

"Right away sir." I respond and wait for Shoto to also move.

"Let me show you your room." He offered.

I nod and start walking.

In the empty halls, Todoroki and I talked.
"You and Endeavor seem really distant towards each other."

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