Arena, Day Three (3)

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-Mia Elgarven, District Eight-

Easton carries me all the way back to our little meadow, careful not to jolt my leg in any shape or form, as he knows that I won't like it. I am really lucky to have him as an ally in these godforsaken games.

As he walks, he stares down at me, a smile playing around his mouth. I look back up at him dreamily, and his smile widens, a happy evident on his face.

It takes a while for us to reach our 'hideout', but when we do finally reach it, we find that any supplies that we may have left there before going to the party are still hidden behind the bush that we left them by. Thankfully, they appear to have not moved an inch.

Carefully, my ally sets me down beside a tree, that suffices as being a support to help me sit up, without too much difficulty. I turn my head and meet his gaze full on. "Let's see what's in those bags. I'm curious."

Easton tosses me my bag, and I take a deep breath before starting to pull off the tape sealing the top of the bag. The tape is quite sticky on mine, for some reason, but finally I manage to get it fully off. But I feel surprised when the only object that falls out appears to be a small pot of ointment. How can this pot fix my leg?

He looks at me with a solemn expression in his eyes, and asks, "may I?" I nod in silent assent, as he unscrews the lid and coats his fingers with the thick white liquid, and gently brings them down onto my leg.

As soon as they touch my leg, I let out a piercing scream, tears running in rivulets down my cheeks. My leg is unbelievably painful, and it keeps getting worse.

Easton stares at me, appearing to be frightened by my reaction. Hastily, he screws the lid back onto the pot and throws it behind him, coming over to kneel beside me, as I sob.

Soon, my screams fade slightly, as the stabbing pain in my leg subsides. Not knowing what i'll see, I look down at my leg, preparing myself for the worst.

Only, the worst doesn't come.

My leg, instead of appearing ruined and blood-soaked, now appears to be completely normal, except for a thin scar that runs down the place where the wound should have been.

I slowly bend it, then straighten it out again.

No pain.

Decideing to take the plunge, I use my hands to push myself up, and then to finally stand, taking it bit by bit. When I reach my full height, I wobble unsteadily for a moment, and Easton sprints forward, just in case I fall. But I don't; I hang on. Tears of joy escape from my eyes as I walk causiously towards him, growing more confident with each step. Eventually I collapse into his arms, holding onto him tightly.

I may not know what that ointment was, but it definitely did the trick. I can walk again, without having to worry about using crutches, or a stick.

I can finally repay Easton back, for all the help that he has given me.

It takes a while to get used to walking properly again, but I patiently pursue the task. Easton helps me, never giving up, calming me down the one time that I scream in annoyance.

Finally, I master the skill, although my leg still feels like a strange attachment to my body. Testing myself again, I turn to him and ask if he would like me to collect some berries for us to eat. He nods, confirming that I should search for some. The only station that I managed to scrape my score for was the edible plants station, although my score was 77, which wasn't exactly the best score of the lot. The best score was Valentyna's. She somehow managed to get a score less than ten in her training session. I'd bet that she just chucked around a couple of knives, or something along those lines.

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