A Drunken Mistake (Ziam One-Shot)

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An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.

                                                                                  -Ernest Hemingway


Zayn felt very warm in the morning, and no it wasn't because the sun was shinning on his bare back. He was laying on top of a person. He furrowed his eyebrows without opening his eyes. Oh God, please let it be him. Zayn's eyes flutter open slowly but he quickly shut them again. The sun was too bright. It was like someone had opened the curtains. He groaned as he felt his head pounding. He tried to open his eyes again and succeeded. He sat up and looked around, he was in an unfamiliar room. He looked around confusingly. It wasn't his room back at Bradford, or his room at his place back in London, or the hotel they were supposed to be at. Where the hell where they?

He looked down and smiled. Oh good, at least he was sleeping with someone he knew and loved. He ran his hand through his boyfriend's soft brown hair. He could tell the younger boy was dreaming. 'Wonder if he's dreaming about me?' Zayn thought. He pulled the covers up a bit, not wanting the boy underneath him to get cold. Yup, they were naked. He didn't mind or care. They've had sex before and have slept naked too plus they were in a relationship. He let the covers fall back down as he rested his head back on Liam's chest. He took his time to study the boy in front of him to get his mind off the ridiculous headache he felt growing stronger. His hair was messy from Zayn running and tugging at it. He had multiple love bites on his neck, one extremely close to the birthmark Zayn loved. His mouth was slightly open, small snores escaping it.

Zayn traced his eyelids with his pointer finger. He traced the bushy eyebrows which he called caterpillars. He traced his nose, his lips. The felt the slight stubble on his chin, feeling rough on the soft palm of his hand. He traced his jaw, when he stopped. He noticed something on his left hand. Something hugging his ring finger. He looked at the hand and his eyes widen. To anyone who walked in, they might have thought he looked very comical. It was a ring. A wedding ring on his finger. It was silver and it had the name Ziam engraved on it. He jumped up, falling out of the bed taking the covers with him. It must have been a drunken mistake. Liam groaned as he felt the cold hit his body like bullet guns. He groaned and turned around, he extended his arm to wrap it around Zayn but he wasn't there. He opened his eyes carefully and sat up. He groaned as he felt the massive headache. He looked around and saw he was in an unfamiliar room. "Babe?" He called out.

Zayn jumped up, leaving the covers on the floor. Liam smirked as he saw his boyfriend's body. "Liam!!" Zayn snapped. Liam looked up at him confused. "What?" He asked as he bent down to grab the blanket. He was cold. "I'm married!!" Zayn shouted. Liam's eyes widen and he jumped out of the bed just with the covers wrapped around himself. "What?! You cheated on me!!" He exclaimed. He didn't care how much his head hurt, he was not going to be taken for granted. "NO!!! Look at your hand!!" Zayn exclaimed, shivering. He was actually cold. Liam pulled out his hand out and gasped. He had the same ring Zayn had. He looked at Zayn with his mouth opened. He couldn't believe it. He doesnt remember any of it.All he remembers was when the lads convinced him to drink and have fun for once. "Are we....?" He trailed off. Zayn looked scared.

No one besides management and the boys knew. Management decided that they should keep it a secret because it could bring bad things for the band. They could loose fans, they'd get hate, plus not everyone agreed. And by that, they meant Zayn's family. They wouldn't approve because of their relationship. It was against their religion. He heard a sob coming from in front of him. His head snapped up as he saw Zayn crying and staring at the ring. "Come here babe." He said opening his arms. Zayn ran over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist, hiding his face on Liam's neck. Liam closed the blanket around both of them not caring their flesh was touching and shouldve made him horny right now. "Its okay. Shhh...please don't cry. I hate to see you sad." Liam whispered in his ear. Zayn pulled back smiling. He wiped away the tears and punched Liam's chest playfully.

"These are happy tears you idiot. I'm happy. I'm married, even though its a little early but still. I'm married to the man I love and I really don't give a fuck about anyone right now. Not even my parents. Its my life, I cant let them control me. I love you and now we could be together forever like we always talked about." Zayn said. He tried to look for an expression on Liam's face but he found none. "Unl-less you d-don't wanna be ma-rried...I me-" Liam cut off Zayn's rambling by smashing his lips to his. Zayn quickly responded, closing his eyes and moving his arms up to wrap around Liam's neck. The kiss was simple, no tongue, no peck either. It was their kiss, a kiss that said everything. Zayn pulled away resting his forehead against his husband's forehead. "Should we find out whats going on?" Zayn said pulling away. He grabbed his phone and Liam's. He walked back to Liam and snuggled back inside the blanket just this time with his back pressed against Liam's muscular chest. He unlocked his phone and smiled.

Haz- 56 missed calls, 45 texts

Nialler- 78 missed calls, 108 texts

Lou- 96 missed calls, 186 texts

"Does Louis know he must pay for texts too?"Zayn joked, feeling the vibration against his back as Liam chuckled. He opened most of them which turned out to be the same. Just stuff like 'Where are you?' or 'Get the fuck back here!' or 'Is Liam with you?' but then towards the end they changed. Most of the ones at the end were sent this morning and they were congratulating them. Zayn laughed at one of Louis's texts.

From: Lou

To: Zayninkins

We get to Vegas and you and Daddy Directioner decided to get married...?I'M SO PROUD OF U BOYS!! I HAVE TAUGHT YOU SO WELL!!!

He showed to Liam and he smiled. "You know next time I get married I actually wanna remember." He said. I frowned. "Next time?" Zayn wasn't gonna lie, that kind of hurt. He was already thinking of getting a divorced. Liam must have seen the look on his face cause he quickly added. "What I meant was when we like re-new our vows, I wanna remember." Zayn smiled and pecked his lips lovingly. He was so happy. Nothing could ruin this moment. "Oh Niall says that the "wedding" is on the telly. They looked around and saw that there was in fact no telly in the room. "We could just watch it later." Zayn said just as his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his heart started beating faster. He gulped and looked at Liam. "Shit. Its my mum, I'm dead." He said, fear clearly being shone. "Don't worry Ill protect you." Liam said kissing his forehead.Zayn smiled and pecked his cheek."Are you my knight and shine and shinning armor?" He asked. Liam smiled lovingly.

"Yes, I am your knight and shinning armor."

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