If You Must Go

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"I cannot walk this world on my own."

Elrond knew that pleading would do no good, even as the words left his tongue. Gazing into the blue eyes of his wife, he knew that even if he fell to his knees before her and wept, it would not change her mind. In fact, it would be cruel to even try and change her mind.

But his heart was at war with his reasoning.

The waves that crashed against the surf couldn't even begin to repair his shattering heart, as he gripped Celebrían's pale hands tighter. She smiled then, the broken light in her eyes catching with the setting sun on the horizon. "Can you hear them, melin?"

Elrond blinked slowly, then followed her gaze out to the open ocean. Seagulls cried loudly and dove low over the glittering water, their caws breaking the silence. "I hear them, my love."

Laughing softly, Celebrían gazed back at him, reaching up a pale cold hand and placing it against his cheek. Closing his eyes, Elrond leaned gently into her touch, wishing as hard as he could that it would never go away. But too quickly, she pulled back. "E-- Elrond? Elrond? Where are we? What happened?"

Elrond opened his eyes, but only met the panicked gaze of his wife. She started to pull away and he quickly grabbed her wrist. "It's okay, melin, you are safe. You are safe."

"I--" Celebrían looked wildly around, but stopped struggling. Then slowly, a new tranquility claimed her features and she smiled softly, gazing back at Elrond. "Can you hear them, melin?"

Elrond's heart twisted in his chest. He forced a smile, reaching up and rubbing a thumb over his wife's cheek. "I can, my love."

"They call to me," Celebrían pulled away from his grasp, tilting her head toward the fading sunlight. Then with a laugh, she spun in a circle, smiling brightly at Elrond. "Oh, melin."

Tears welled up in his eyes, but Elrond smiled anyway, moving forward and threading her fingers with his own. Celebrían laughed louder as he spun her in a circle, feet wisping across the dock. To their backs, the waves crashed louder.

"I do not want to walk this world without you..." Elrond leaned closer to her ear, his heart aching with sorrow. "Will you not stay?"

Celebrían stilled at that, the joy leaving her eyes. For a moment, she looked confused, just as she had when first returning from her capture at the side of Elrohir and Elladan. But then that look faded away as well, replaced by a longing sadness. "I cannot, my love."

Elrond's world dimmed a little. He opened his mouth-- then closed it. He would not plead, he had foreseen this. He knew what was to come.

But even knowing made it hurt no less.

Celebrían's shoulders fell a little, and she glanced over her shoulder at the awaiting boat. Water lapped softly against the hull, the white sail flapping quietly in the breeze.

When she looked back at Elrond, there were tears in her crystalline eyes. "I will wait for you there, melin."

Elrond smiled through his own rising tears, trying to breathe past the lump in his throat. "There will not be a day that passes that I do not hear your voice. One day I will come for you."

The wind changed, the moon taking the sun's place in the sky. Elrond felt Celebrían's hand pulling out of his grasp and it took all of his strength not to hold on anyway, to demand that they find another way.

For a set heart could not be swayed. The moment his wife had returned to Rivendell, he knew it would not last. He had seen it in her eyes.

Her soul was broken. Broken and longing for release.

Elrond followed her footsteps until they crossed the threshold of the ship. He forced himself to stop then, feet inches from crossing as well. A single tear hit the dock-- he forced his gaze up.

Celebrían smiled sorrowfully as their eyes met. She moved a little closer, cupping his face in her hands. Then she leaned forward, leaving a soft kiss and warm sigh on his cheek. "Namárië, my love."

Don't go... Elrond bowed his head, another tear hitting the ground. Coldness claimed his face as her hands left his face, and he felt her move back away. His throat was closed fully now, making breathing impossible. "Namárië, melin. Until we meet again."

Crystal eyes moved up to the sky as the seagulls cried. Celebrían's golden hair caught in the breeze and she laughed-- glancing a final time back at him over her shoulder.

Her eyes were shattered again.

But even so, there was a smile on her face, bright and true. The wind carried her voice-- "Can you hear them, my love?"

Elrond blinked back tears, "I can."

I can.

The waves seemed to quiet as the ship departed, gliding through silver waters like the gulls through clouds. Elrond wasn't quite sure how long he stood there, watching until the white ship vanished on the horizon. Then he sunk down to his knees, staring numbly at the empty sea.

"One day," he swallowed hard. "We will meet again." I promise it.

A/N: goshes, it's been forever since I've written a one-shot! I have so many projects on my plate that I should be writing right now... but oh well haha. I'd love to hear what you guys thought!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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