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(Warning: Sorry guys. This one has a lot of POV switches at the beginning)

Draco's POV

She went into my bedroom to freshen up and I made my way down to the study.

I didn't feel particularly stable to be having a conversation with literally anyone. Sometimes she calms me down. And other times all she does is rile me up.

Anyway. I got to the study and locked the door. Hopefully, Granger would take all the time in the world because I needed to think. Just think.

I sat in the chair at the desk and opened the dark red drawer. I picked up Mum's engagement ring.

I always wondered why she didn't wear it along with her wedding one. But I figured it's her business and I should respect that.


Third POV

Draco left the room to do Merlin knows what and Hermione decided to take a nice, hot bath. She made her way to the bathroom and tried to figure out how the bloody faucet worked.

She finally got it to work at the right temperature and slipped out of her clothes. His clothes. She slowly eased her way into the hot water and finally realized how sore she felt.

Every inch of her felt like stone and she noticed more cuts and bruises all over. Hermione had her wand in hand and started to heal them and the blood washed away in the water.

Her brain went on hyper drive and she jumped out of the bloody water and screamed. She wrapped herself with a towel and ran out of the bathroom. She looked back at the door as she ran until she bumped into something.

She ran right into Draco's chest and she seemed very frazzled.

Draco was at first alarmed by the blunt blow to his chest, but then wrapped his arms around Hermione as if it was second nature.

She wept in his arms with her hands holding the towel up to her chest. He rested his chin atop her head and ran his hand along her wet, bare arms. The crook of his elbow of the other arm was cradling the back of her neck.

After a while, Hermione stopped crying, but Draco didn't let go of her. He stopped rubbing her arm to comfort her and instead just wrapped his arms around her upper back.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled into his chest. "I... I just... I saw the blood in the water and I freaked out..."

He let her mutter on and he continued to hold her and rock her slowly saying it was alright and that she shouldn't worry about it.

Little did either of them know that it was the spark of a beautiful friendship.

3 Months Later

She had turned two times after the first and Draco wasn't careful enough the last time. He got too close once again and got himself cut.

He didn't blame her of course. She wasn't in control. She never is. After many alterations and changes, the potion didn't ever work.

This time was different, though. Hermione was getting used to turning and the whole process. She and Draco had come closer and were soon becoming best friends.

Of course she kept her real friends in mind. But she still felt she was too dangerous.

She had gotten used to Draco's habits and she felt something was off that day.

They were in the kitchen and he had his shoulder facing her at all times. Without him noticing she stole glances at his other side where she figured he was hiding something. Again. She saw white material under the sleeve of his black long sleeve shirt.

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