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"Security! I hear a man say. I pull away.

"Oh my God! We're going to die!" I shout.

"Is that you, Flynn? I thought I told you not to bring girls around here anymore." The guy said.

"What?" I asked as I glanced at him.

"You took me to your hookup spot? No! You know what? Unbelievable!" I said as I walked off but then back over to him. "I'm still mad at you, but I'm cold as shit! And you were taking me home. Now!" I said.

When we got to my house I got off, took off his jacket and helmet and gently threw it at him.

"Thanks for the ride." I said.

"You know. I meant what I said, Drew." He said.

"Good for you." I said as I walked up the steps.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I just keep walking but with a smile on my face as he left.

"Hey." My dad said as I walked through the door.

"Why didn't Lee give you a ride with Elle?" He asked.

"Um...he just wanted to spend some time with Ellie by himself." I said.

"Oh okay, but that's the only reason you're on the back of Noah Flynn's motorcycle, right?" he asked.

"Dad, you're acting like no is a bad guy." I said a little confused.

"Drew, he plays with girls hearts and then Stomps on them. He said.

"Dad? Noah is my best friend. You have known the boys since the day they were born."

I said.

"Yeah, then he grew up and started to get into fights. I don't want you to get hurt by him mentally or physically." He said.

"Noah would never hurt me!" I yell and I ran upstairs to my room.

"Drew May Evans! I am not done talking to you!" He shouts.

"Well, I'm done talking to you. I'm done hearing you say bad things about a Flynn when you are friends with the parents!" I shout as I slam the door.

The next morning wasn't very easy, either. When I walk downstairs, I saw Dad and Elle and our little brother Ollie eating at the table.

I tried to sneak by them but Dad heard me.

"Drew? Comes it down, now." He said.

Dad I'm 18 years old. I said.

"Come sit down, now he said with a Stern voice.

I walk over and sit.

"You are right to get mad at me for talking bad about him, but you have to understand that I'm doing this for your safety. So I don't care if you hate me or not. You are no longer allowed near Noah Flynn out of school."He said. "And if I find out you are anywhere near him out of school you will be grounded." He said.

"I'm an adult! You can't tell me what to do!" I shout.

"If you are under my roof, yes. Yes I can." He said.

"I can't believe you." I said as I ran out to the garage, got on my bike and drove off.

I drove up to the beach. Noah was having a party. When I got their know what was playing volleyball.
I got off my bike and strip down to my blue bikini.
I saw Noah glancing at me.
I walk over to the Beer table and played their game.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Go!" I ran up to the table and started to chug. "Go! Yeah! Go Drew, go Drew! Chug! Chug! Chug!" I flip the cup on the first try.

Noah was behind me watching.
Later on that night I went to go get another cup, when Warren came over.

"Looking good Evans!" He said.

"Oh... Thanks. Warren." I said.

"We never got to finish your Skinny Dip at Flynn's party." He said.

"Oh,... I was just way too drunk that night, so..." I began when he grabbed my arm.

"You know what you need? Hot tub. Come on." He said as he started pulling me.

"Oh, no, that's okay, Warren." I said pulling back away from him.

"Come on Evans it'll be nice." He said.

Pulling me forward.

"No, Warren." I said getting mad.

"Evans, don't make me beg." He said.

"Warren, I'm not feeling well, Warren."

"She said no, Warren leave her alone." Noah came to the rescue.

"That's okay, okay I'm fine . It's all right. can... Can you just take me home, please?" I asked since I was a little drunk and couldn't drive.

I noticed that he wasn't taking his eyes off of Warren. Giving him a death glare.

"Okay, just walk away, hey. Noah, look at me." I say he glances at me. "Just walk away. Let's go." we start to walk away when Warren head open his trap.

"Hey, come on, man it's all good. I guess I also be pretty pissed if I was slamming it with my little brother's sloppy seconds." He said.

That did it. Noah ran up to him and kick his ass.

I ran as fast as I could up the hill.
No glances behind him.

"Oh, shit." He said as he ran after me. "Drew, wait!" He begged.

I just walked.

"Wait Drew, please. Just get in the car Drew." I ignore him and kept walking. "Just get in the car Drew." He repeated.

I said nothing.

"Get in the car Drew!" He shouts as he slammed his hand on the hood.

"Please?" he said softly.

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