Chapter Three (Marked for Them)

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I stayed a few steps behind Zane as he weaved through the dirty streets of the coven. The more destruction I saw, the more my stomach soured and depression settled in. The demon had destroyed everything and everyone because he wanted me dead. The guys—for whatever reason—wouldn't do his bidding.

The latter intrigued me. When a demon marked someone, it was almost impossible for that person to deny an order. They were, in a way, the demon's slave.

Zane turned sharply and crossed the yard of the only house that wasn't dilapidated, torn down, or burnt. I stopped a few feet from the porch steps and marveled at the house. A three-story, gothic-looking building with black shudders and grey stone facing. The porch extended across the front of the house.

About a half-dozen gargoyles, frozen in stone and perched on the top of the roof, caught my gaze. There was still a few hours of daylight left so I couldn't really tell if they were real or just ornamental.

A low growl had me snapping a glare at Zane, who stood with the front door open. His green eyes glared back and narrowed to slits while his jaw worked. It was a good thing he was naked, or I might have been intimated. Might.

I climbed the stairs and gave him a pointed look as I motioned for him to go in first. I had trust issues. After a moment, he entered, still holding the door so I had to squeeze by his large frame. Two could play that game. I intentionally brushed a hand across his bare ass on my way by, letting my fingers touch the back of his thigh, as well.

Another growl rumbled from him, and I smiled. I liked Zane. We were going to butt heads often, but it would be fun.

Zane let the front door slam after I moved farther into the large living room, then he called out, "Dimitri!" before he disappeared down the hall.


A door opened to my right, and I turned, my heart hammering against my ribs. Anxiety spiked, and I fell into a defensive stance, waiting for an attack of some sort. It didn't come. Instead, a male witch stopped a few feet from me, staring as if unsure.

Meeting his blue gaze, I relaxed and slowly straightened. His light brown hair was cut short with bangs sweeping across his forehead. I lowered my gaze to drink in his broad shoulders and trim waist. The tight, black T-shirt he wore didn't leave much to the imagination as it hugged his sculpted torso.

My mouth went dry. Wolf boy was hot without clothes, and the witch was just as hot with them.

I have definitely been locked up too long.

After several moments of staring at each other, he blinked and lowered the book he carried. "You're Reese."

The statement surprised me despite the fact that Wade had told me the others were looking for me. I nodded, not trusting my voice. As he drifted closer, the mark on my hip tingled.

He frowned and roamed his gaze over me. "I see why we weren't able to find you. How medicated did the hospital keep you?"

Huh? Oh! I was still in my white gown and hospital robe. "I did it to myself to keep the demon away."

"What changed? I mean, how did you find us?"

I shrugged. "I stopped taking the meds a few weeks ago. Wade found me."

What had Wade said this guy's name was? He'd said Zane and..."Dimitri, right?"

He gave a short nod. "Wade found you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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