Chapter 1

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After my Grandmother died, my mother immediately told me to pack all my things. We were moving to America.


"I can't stand the thought of being here any longer. Not without Alice."

I knew she was lying. She had been writing a man in America, a man which I think she intended to wed. She did not waste any time after my father's death. Parties, luncheons, balls. My mother was a horrid woman, playing men. She conned them out of their money while pretending to love them, and then leaving them wanting more. I was surprised we were in the same gene pool, I was so disgusted.

She was still breathtakingly beautiful. Mother's long blonde hair glinted in the sunlight, making her look as if she was glowing. Her cold sapphire eyes glinted like my own. Her charm only enhanced her. It was a fact, men would kill for her.

The long boat ride to America was nerve racking. Were we going to sink? Die from disease? It was almost too much for Mother to handle, but it would be over long before she snapped, I hope. We finally arrived in America. What a curious place, so many different fish in one big pond. That how I like to see things, different from what they really are. You may see a woman with a feathered hat, I see a goose wearing I dress.

"Oh, Sam darling! Over here!" my Mother called.

A man walked up to us and kissed my Mother on the cheek. He was quite tall, his face unshaven. His eyes looked uneasy but they were as blue as the ocean itself. Mother rumpled his greasy brown hair.

"Darling what happened to you?"

"I was in the courthouse all darn day. This case isn't going to be easy. But its very nice to meet you Ivy." He said as he turned to me.

"Yes, this is my Ivy."

Mother began stroking my light blonde hair. I think it was just to get Sam's grease off her hand though.

"Well, let's get going to the house. The movers are all ready."

"Movers?" I asked.

"Yes honey, we are moving to live with Sam. And he is moving to a new house for us. Isn't that nice! Oh I can't believe the things you do for me darling."

"Yes, well c'mon then! This new house is amazing, nothing like it in the world! It was the first piece of property given to a noble from the king. It is very, very old."

Yes! There will be so many different passages and hidden rooms to explore. If I just ignore my mother and Sam, maybe life will be bearable. I mean I'm not leaving much behind in England. I didn't have any friends and really didn't want any. You'd think I would at sixteen wouldn't you?

We loaded our things into the carriage and were off. Mother and Sam went into the dark corner of the carriage to discuss some things. I could only imagine what kinds of business.

The house was breathtaking. Even more wonderful than Sam described it. It was several stories high with windows everywhere. I was going to live in this enchanting place. The yard was beautiful, with animals playing and lounging around. A family of deer was having a fine meal of fresh dewy grass. Rabbits and squirrels were playing.

The movers were already inside, unloading our things. The inside of the house was very luxurious. Fine rugs, velvet draping, ornate carvings. Mother was just gasping for air; it was definitely the home for her.

I was able to choose any room in the house. I choose one on the second floor, the walls were made up of windows entirely. The tapestries were old and faded, but still accurate in detail and very, very beautiful. The covered the wall that wasn't made up of windows.

Beyond Imaginingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن