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A/N: Here's a quick update cuz you beautiful people are so damn sweet and you deserve it! Xxx

I was drifting in and out of consciousness, it felt like I was floating but sinking at the same time. My lungs constricted and my heart hammered against my chest, my entire body was screaming at me to not throw in the towel. I wished I could pick up my arms and pull myself up but I was too heavy and my body wouldn't cooperate. The lack of oxygen made my mind hazy until I could no longer tell the difference between reality and this dream like state I was trapped in.

The water shifted around me but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes or even move. Something strong snaked around my waist, holding me up. I was grateful for the support because I had no strength left to fight anymore. My body was pressed against something solid before it send me up in one movement. We surfaced and I could taste the fresh air but holding my breath for so long, I had no idea how to breathe anymore. I found my mind slipping away and I had a hard time grasping onto the presence and before I knew what was happening, I slipped back into unconsciousness.

I was vaguely aware of someone pinching my nose, cutting off my airways before a gust of air filled my lungs. It was a strange feeling, I'd never experienced anything like it before, hence my confusion. I had no idea what was happening. My ears were buzzing loudly, I could make out sounds around me but I couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from or what they meant.

I felt a hard pressure pushing into my chest and I wanted to make it stop. A pair of warm lips pressed against mine and I received another lungful of air causing me to convulse. The impact of suddenly being able to breathe shocked me to the core. I was coughing and trying to gasp for air at the same time.

"There you go, spit it all out. Spit it all out, babe."

Someone turned my head to the side, helping me to sputter all the water out of my lungs. Hands were patting my back and pushing my hair from my face. I was coughing so hard, my throat felt like it was on fire. My breath was shaky and hitched every time I breathed in. When I finally felt like all the water had left my system, I collapsed, trying to catch my breath.

I felt my upper body being lifted up before another body slid behind me, holding me close. I wasn't aware that I was trembling so hard, my teeth chattering against each other. The person's hands were warm as they rubbed my arms and legs, trying to warm me up.

"You're okay now, you're okay," a deep voice whispered into my ear, holding me from behind. "You scared the shit outta me, baby girl."

I searched for my tongue, trying to get it to move so I could speak. "T-Tris?" My voice came out hoarse and broken.

"Shh, shh, save your breath," he mumbled against my temple after placing several kisses to the back of my head.

My chest was heaving. "I-I, what what - I d-don't - "

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