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Dedicated to ImperfectStar for the amazing cover over there >>>>>>>>>


"Hey Bryn," her co-worker Carla smiled at her as Bryn walked into the diner where she worked full time.

"Hi, Carla," Bryn greeted. The night before had been a long night with Braedyn, he had waken up twice more after Bryn had gotten him back to sleep. 

"When are you going to bring that handsome little man of your's to the diner?" Carla asked as Bryn stepped behind the counter and clocked in. "Haven't seen him in a while."

"Jill's gonna bring him by later, grams has her weekly Bridge game tonight." Bryn replied, tying on her apron. 

"That girl really needs to get a life," Carla huffed "All Jill ever does is go to school and watch Braedyn."

Bryn just shook her head and headed off to her section to greet the customers that had just sat down. Carla always said the same thing anytime she brought up Jill. Jill had been her son's babysitter since he was born. She was 17 and going into her final year in high school and Bryn loved that girl as if she was her own sister. Any time Jill needed advice and didn't want to ask her own mother or either of her two sister's, she would go to Bryn. 

The hours passed quickly and Bryn couldn't wait to get out of the diner and take Braedyn to the park. It was Saturday and that was usually their day to do something together. But, Bryn was called in and had to cover for one of the girls who was out sick. Bryn had rolled her eyes when her Boss had called that morning asking her to come in and given her the reason why. Everyone knew that Jana – her co-worker – was a major partier and she was probably at home nursing a hang over. The bell dinged and Bryn looked up in time to see her son charging over to her with a big grin. 

"Momma!" he shouted launching himself into her arms. "Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?" he yelled excitedly.

"What?" Bryn asked with a smile of her own as she cradled her son in her arms. 

"Jill took me to the movies!" he exclaimed 

"Did she now?" Bryn asked with a smile.

"Yeah! We watched Brave, that movie was soooooo awesome!" he grinned 

"Sorry," Jill smiled sheepishly "He had one too many snacks while we were at the theater."

"It's fine," said Bryn. "His sugar rushes don't last too long." Bryn took her son over to the counter and sat him on a stool. "Mommy has to finish up and when I'm finished we'll go to the park, alright?"

"Okay, momma," Braedyn nodded 

"Hey there, good lookin'," Carla grinned walking out of the kitchen.

"Hi, Carla!" Braedyn waved excitedly. He always lit up any time Jill or Carla was around, he really liked the pretty ladies. Bryn could just image what she would go through once he started school in a couple weeks.

Bryn placed a coloring book, paper and crayons down on the counter and went back to tend to her tables. In a few hours her shift would be up and she would be able to spend the rest of the day with her little man. Bryn hustled back and forth between tables and the kitchen, taking and delivering orders. The diner had gotten really busy since Jill had brought her son over. Bryn was used to working with the hustle and bustle of the diner especially during the afternoon and evenings. Every once in a while she would go and check on Braedyn to make sure that he was doing fine with his coloring. 

One more hour to go. Bryn thought to herself as went to use the restroom. She had been going non-stop since Braedyn got there that she hadn't had anytime to go. After doing her business Bryn walked back toward the counter to check on Braedyn before doing her rounds again. She walked over and looked over her sons shoulder, she wasn't sure what he was drawing but, it would have a special place on the wall nonetheless. 

It Happened One Summer (Being Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now