Chapter 39

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It was in the middle of the night and Raffaele decided to leave the casino as his mind was elsewhere. He drove to the mansion where Dante had been relocated – closer to his family. Right outside stood a smoking Michele, his second night on guard duty.

''Good evening, Capo Raffaele. Would you like one?'' He offered him a cigarette.

''No, thanks.'' Raffaele cocked his chin at Michele's leg. ''All healed up?''

Michele shrugged. ''Hurts but it works. That rhymes.''

''Sure it does. Keep at it and you'll be a poet in no time,'' Raffaele said sarcastically and walked past him into the house.

Before ending the day Raffaele wanted to check up on his brother. The state Dante was in had him closing his fists in anger. It shouldn't be like this.

Raffaele noticed the door handle lowering from the corner of his eyes and was about to grab his gun until he saw his nephew walking in.

Angelo gulped seeing his uncle in the room. Even though it was way past his bedtime and should be asleep right now, he wanted to pay his father a visit. The night had been restless for him, not batting a single eye.

The young boy stayed silent as he was expecting a scolding any moment now.

''Sneaking around?'' Raffaele's tone was disapproving.

''Sorry.'' Angelo looked down in shame for not being in bed where should be. ''I wanted to see Papà.'' He raised his head.

''I'm just joking,'' Raffaele said with a soft chuckle. ''You can visit your father any time you want.''

''Oh,'' Angelo mumbled with a surprised look and a small laugh of relief sounded out of him.

Angelo sat on a chair next to his uncle and watched his father. The longer Dante was in a coma, the more hope his son would lose in him ever waking up.

Raffaele didn't want Angelo to dwell on negative thoughts so he began telling him stories about Dante in his younger years. How driving his first car faired, how Dante broke Celia's favourite vase and how Dante proposed to Bianca.

''Can you tell me one more story?'' Angelo asked with a hint of hope in his voice.

''It's time to sleep now.''

''Please, please, please,'' Angelo begged his uncle, hoping to hear another story. Hearing about his father made him feel closer to him. ''Just one more and then I will go to bed.''

''Promise?'' Raffaele raised an eyebrow.

''Promise.'' He smiled, his teeth showing.


No matter where Giovanni looked graffiti entered his vision. He moved through the narrow street with a steady pace, ignoring the shouting of vendors and beggars and rounded the corner reaching a small town square.

Police cars swarmed the place. It seemed he was a tad too late to see Theo's arrest play out from beginning to end.

After getting informed by Isabella and Sergio about Theo, Giovanni was determined to put an end to it all. Using his connections as the Don, Giovanni pulled some strings within the police force.

Meanwhile, Theo stared at a picture of Isabella on his phone. ''She cheated on me. That bitch fucking cheated on me!'' He threw his phone against the wall, breaking it in the process.

There weren't many times Theo got interested in something or someone. Whenever something did spark his interest, he would go to extreme lengths to get it. His interest in Isabella quickly grew into an uncontrollable and consuming obsession. Something he himself wasn't aware of.

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