Free Fall

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It was late evening, and the Avengers (plus Peter, of course) were lounging around the living room, watching a movie. It was about half way finished when Peter decided to go and use the restroom, quietly excusing himself and hurrying off down the hall.

Once he was finished, he washed his hands but froze when he looked in the mirror. He blinked repeatedly and rubbed at his eyes, hoping that this was just some silly illusion. But when the teenager turned around, he came face to face with none other than the Vulture himself.

Peter went to scream but a hand was quickly clamped over his mouth. The fifteen year old stared at the villain with fear filled eyes as the man grinned evilly.

"Peter Parker, how lovely to see you again," he seethed, caressing the young boy's face. Peter squirmed under his touch and tried to escape but was unable to. "Don't try to escape, Spider-man, after all, I just wanna play a little game..."

Peter swallowed thickly as Toomes grabbed him by his waist and yanked him from the bathroom, dragging him down the hall. The teenager kicked and screamed, but was no match for the villain's sudden strength.

Peter finally managed to pry the hand off his mouth and let out a breathy, "Help!!" Not even a second layer the hand was restricting his breathing once more, causing the teen to lash out helplessly. As Peter was carried to the window and was about to be thrown out, an arrow whizzed by his face and into the Vulture's chest.

"Gah!" Toomes hissed out. Peter glanced over and saw the Avenger's charging at them.

"Get off my kid!" Tony shouted, blasting the man who was holding his son captive. The Vulture growled and smashed the window with his free hand before tossing Peter out of it, the teenager beginning to fall eighty floors.

Peter immediately began to flail his limbs, fear and the inevitable splash of his body hitting the ground clouding his mind. The teen did the only thing he could do, and stuck his arm out, shooting a web towards a near skyscraper. Peter prayed silently as tears rushed down his face, his body getting closer to the ground.

Peter began to give up when he felt the familiar tug on his wrist, catapulting him towards the skyscraper. The teen shot another web and braced his legs for impact as he smashed through the windows, feet first, sailing across the floor and slamming into a series of desks and chairs, ending up going straight through the wall.

Men and women immediately surrounded the teenager who had just slammed through the side of their building, thirty-three stories up. "My god! Child, are you okay?" a woman asked, helping him sit up. Peter nodded before hoisting himself onto his feet, shaking his head. He smiled at the people before sprinting back through where he came from, jumping out of the massive hole.

He free fell for a few seconds before shooting another web and swinging back to the tower, ready to finish his fight.

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