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A thought to say some words,
I am trying,
But nothing comes out now.
There is so much to think of,
Create a time I want to live again and again.
The days of you with me,
I want to welcome them again,
But they seem no more than past time.
Nobody said that this was easy,
Still, I moved along this path.
The hurdles, stones,
All where just minor walls before you.
Never I realized breaking your walls,
I was building mine.
Is it too late to admit I was wrong?
To say sorry and roll down the hall,
To beg on my knees,
To be in your arms,
If that's the last thing I live for?
Nothing really changed,
I am still the one,
Just can't tell you how lovely you are.
If I get a chance just grant is a second,
Maybe this time I do justice to you.
Lift your heart like helium,
Seal it with the stamp of my love,
Let you know the power in our hands,
Hold them to the point,
Where futures are weaved together.
Ask me anything you want,
This time will be different,
All what you want.
Tenure my heart as your only place to live,
Let's apart from the past.
This will be different,
This time I will say my vows,
Grasp ever shade of our lives,
Smile every time you scrunch your nose,
Weave our every glance together.
This is my chance love,
Let the oceans curse or winds swirl,
I am not letting you go,
Even if my apologies lead me to the end,
With no hope,
All what will be left be darkness of my soul.

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