25 | Bi-Curious

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Rosalie never once had a reason to take a boy other than Sam out with the soccer team, and Jamie's new involvement was more or less the single most looked-forward-to event of the year. It almost surpassed Blake Miles' invitation to the group, and truthfully, Rosalie forgot he existed until people started showing up at her house for photos.

True to his word, the vehicle for their entire affair was a spectacle on its own. Jamie was the first one on the porch, and thus, the remainder of the team in Rosalie's kitchen flocked after him, leaving Rosalie in the dust to collect her bearings. When she managed to reach the front porch and peer over Kim's tall hair, Alyssa had already emerged and stood beneath the awning of Blake Miles' father's car doors where they hinged up like wings. Rosalie slapped a hand over her face and groaned, but unlike her, Jamie was practically drooling.

He raced from the steps, throwing his arms up at Alyssa, and then to where Blake emerged from the driver's seat, clad in a Knights' blue tux. Rosalie's jaw dropped, and in the midst of panicking over all of that, Blake said, "Number Six! How's your ankle holding up? Are you playing again?"

Jamie turned red as a tomato—embarrassment? anger? frustration? Rosalie couldn't tell. Regardless, Alyssa walked up and hugged those feelings out of Jamie so that he could clear his throat and say, "Fine. And my name's Jamie-Lee, not Number Six."

"That's so precious," Blake said, hand to his chest as he sidled up the walkway. "Blake Miles—lovely to meet you."

"Jamie's a sweetheart—be nice to him," Alyssa ordered him, taking Blake's hand before Jamie could shake it. She guided him towards the steps as Rosalie went down to meet Jamie. She was stopped by Blake recognizing her, though, with a started, yet excited gasp.

"My dear Rosalie!" he cried, reaching for her hand. Alyssa rolled her eyes away and started ahead with a low, "For fuck's sake..." as Blake distracted himself with Rosalie.

"Um... you know my name?" Rosalie laughed, glancing at the other girls as they witnessed him getting down on one knee to kiss her hand. She flushed all the way up to her hairline and looked desperately to Jamie, who seemed more or less beside himself.

"Your dress looks elegant."

"Uh, thanks, Jamie's mom made it," she said, pointing to Jamie. "She works for Kohl's."

Rosalie couldn't quite comprehend the look Blake shared with Jamie then, aside from the fact that Jamie looked like he was about to puke. She tugged him by the sleeve of his suit and dragged him inside, past where her mom was speaking with Juliana and Ray. As Rosalie and Jamie hurried past, her mom hesitated and asked where they were going.

"Going to hunt down Sami! He should've been here by now!" she said. Truthfully, she was starting to panic. Would she look out her balcony and find a red flag in Sami's window.

"Have you gone to his house yet?" Ray called after her as she and Jamie raced up the stairs.

"No! Sami was going to pick up Isaiah!" she said, stopped and backtracking. Jamie staggered along, spinning, and stilling at the top of the stairs as she pointed to her mom. "Has Tante Bee said anything?"

"No, not that I've heard," her mom said.

At that moment, Alyssa stepped in with Blake at her hip. Miss Mason did a double-take, and then looked to the girls for clarification. Juliana shrugged, and Ray raised her hands in an I-don't-fucking-know gesture. "Alyssa... nice to see you again. You look adorable tonight," Miss Mason decidedly said, and Alyssa beamed.

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