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[Nova] yo yo yo
[Nova] this is just ridiculous jazz
[Nova] its been 2 months when tf u gonna answer??
[Nova] we never got to celebrate ur bday :(
[Nova] fine keep ignoring me


[Bella] hey

[Nova] hey bells been a while since we talked

[Bella] yeah
[Bella] Charlie is making me text you

[Nova] ouch way to dent my happiness

[Bella] sorry

[Nova] ummm r u ok? u seem kinda down

[Bella] Edward left me...

[Nova] he WHAT
[Nova] bells im so sorry
[Nova] he doesnt deserve u!
[Nova] actually what a coincidence cuz my not so bf ditched me as well

[Bella] not so bf?

[Nova] yup he hasnt texted me in 2 months

[Bella] so go talk to him?

[Nova] nah i dont know him IRL just over text

[Bella] WHAT
[Bella] do you know how dangerous that is?!

[Nova] im aware but ive already seen pics of him and trust me hes not a creepy 60 y/o man hes HOT

[Bella] just be careful ok?

[Nova] sure
[Nova] bells r u sure ur ok?

[Bella] i'm really not. i miss Edward so much...

[Nova] u know what i think?

[Bella] what?

[Nova] i think u just miss ur sister :)

[Bella] no... my sister is kind of annoying

[Nova] 1. ouch
[Nova] 2. was that a JOKE??? GOOD JOB!

[Bella] i can make jokes!

[Nova] yeah crappy ones
[Nova] anywayyyy since u miss me so much how bout i come visit?

[Bella] nooooo nonono thats ok you don't have to

[Nova] but i WANT to
[Nova] i rlly wanna escape moms new husband he's too... enthusiastic
[Nova] so yeah ill be in Porks in no time!

[Bella] it's actually Forks...

[Nova] wtf?? i thought it was Porks...

[Bella] you need help

[Nova] hun, we established this years ago :)


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