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Violet Langdon's daily life was on a schedule.

It wasn't a written down schedule or anything like that, but it was a schedule. Every morning, Violet would wake up to the crackling smell of whatever her mother was cooking that morning. That crackling smell usually turned into a burning one, and Violet would soon be running down the stairs to remove the pan from the heated burner and shut off the gas. She would turn to her mom, who would be sitting down at the round family table and say,

"You're going to burn down this house one day, Mama."

Her mom would shrug her off, eyes glued to the practice quiz that she uses to study for her citizenship test, and Violet would stop trying and return upstairs to begin getting ready for another day at the private school her mom had enlisted her into. Like every other day, wiggling her hips into the small plaid skirt would be an issue for her, and keeping her knee highs up on her calves would become a first world problem.

But eventually, Violet would get fully dressed, check the time on the little alarm clock on her dresser and rush down the stairs, grabbing her book bag and the bag of the greasy remains of what her mom had attempted to cook that morning. Although she would smile and thank her mom for the food, as soon as she left she would be throwing it into the nearest city trash can and filling her empty hand with an apple from the local convenience store.

Like every other day, Violet would begin the route to her school with her headphones plugged in and a bored look on her face as she approached the block of her school. Today, she ran into her only friend at school, if you could even classify Beckey as a friend. They were just smoking buddies, really, but they were both social outcasts and sometimes took refuge in one another. 

"Violet." Beckey nodded as she caught sight of her, "Let me borrow a smoke, yeah?"

Violet teetered back and forth on her heels uneasily, not knowing how to decline her request. "Well, I would give you some if I had enough to share. But I'm running really low and it's harder for me to get them than it is for you-"

Beckey cut her off, "Are you going to give me one or not?" 

Cautiously, Violet shook her head no and began to turn away as insults were thrown at her back from Beckey.

"You're ridiculous, you know? I give you cigs every time you need one and the one time I request one from you it's a no? I swear, you're such a little bitch." That was the first time something went wrong in Violet's schedule that day.

The second time was when Violet was walking towards the entrance of her school, maneuvering around bicycles and skateboards and kids stopped in the middle of the street to talk. Up ahead, she saw her crush, Michael Clifford. He was the most popular guy in school, and most girls had aneurysms if he blinked in their direction. Violet was one of those girls.

So when he turned and waved in her direction, Violet literally began to have a spaz attack in her head. How do you wave back to a boy who looks like that? Shake your fingers? Butterfly wave? Sailor salute? 

But before she even had the time to actually lift her wrist to wave back, Michael cupped his hands around his mouth and called out,

"Hey, Lisa! Over here!"

That was when Violet realized that Michael wasn't waving to her, he was waving to his girlfriend. Of course. Lisa Fowler was one of the prettiest girls Violet had ever seen. She came to school everyday looking like she'd fallen out of a magazine. And the worst part? She was actually nice.

Fed up with how her day was going before it even started, Violet spun around on her heel and began retreating through a park near the entrance of her school. Walking briskly and occasionally looking up for a place to sit and smoke, Violet thought about how shitty her day had been before it had even started, and how tired she was of her routine. 

This was around the time that the third thing to go wrong in Violet's schedule occurred. Her foot got stuck on jagged rock piece, That resulted in her tripping forward. But instead of falling onto the grass that the park had been surrounded with, she fell into something.

It took Violet a moment to realize that she was falling. But once she did, she started screaming Bloody Mary. Her voice echoed on the seemingly stone walls and cut off with a sharp 'oof' as she hit the ground. Her immediate instinct was to stand and begin screaming for help. Because, what the hell, this wasn't Alice Down the Rabbit Hole, and she wasn't about to go looking around.

She gave up after a little while, realizing that she'd just have to wait for someone to come around and save her. So she sat down, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

Nictotine filled smoke quickly overtook the small well, and as it cleared Violet saw a figure. She drew a match to help her see better in the dim well and almost screamed when she saw what was there. 

There was a boy, sat crossed legged and smiling on a skeleton. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and smiled before lifting it up to wave.


And that was the fourth thing to go wrong in Violet's schedule.


hi :) 

this is the first chapter of 'ghost'. it's going to be a luke story. it's based off of "anya's ghost" by vera brongol, but don't worry if you have read it. much will be different. i hope you've enjoyed this and if you haven't i hope you'll still save it to your library or read on a bit further and give it a chance before leaving it completly!

have a nice day and stay you :)


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