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-Set A Few Days Later-

3rd's POV 

"Oni-chan today is your first mission! Get up!" 

Boruto ran down the stairs of his home, grabbing his genin headband and wearing it proudly he says goodbye to his Mom and sister then leaves. Grinning all the way, he is excited to be able to move his body again the way it should, he made sure every stride was enjoyable. When Boruto had made it to the hokage tower he noticed his team waiting for him, Sarada glanced at him and fiddled her glasses. "Nani?" she murmured, then figured out that the blonde approaching her was real and not a ghost. Mitsuki turned to him and smiled. "Boruto, we're so gla-"

"SHANNAROO, YOU BAKA SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME! MAMA TOLD ME EVERYTHING!" a certain Uchiha yelled grabbing ahold of Boruto's collar, who furrowed his brow. "Sheesh, seems not even with me gone could get rid of your anger dattebasa!" he retorted back after the outburst. Sarada looked at him for a moment and let him go. "You say that but I feel like you're actually glad I care!" she said and put her hands on her hips, puffing her chest upwards and looking towards the sky confidently.  Boruto looked at her as his eyes turned into anger. "Oi Four eyes! Why should I care that you are even living?!" the blonde flipped the argument back on her, instantly regretting as the girl began to crack her knuckles. Before anything else happened, thankfully Mitsuki chimed in, plastered with a smile.

 "You two really should just admit your feelings already!" 

Wind blew passed Sarada's now frozen fist inches from Boruto's cheek. They both turned in frustration, covering their flustered faces. "SHUT UP! (DATTEBASA!)"

Konohamaru jumped down in front of them, after taking in the situation he, put his arm behind his neck nervously and laughed. "A-Alright you three! Let's go to Naruto nii- I mean Nanadaime kore!" he spoke while his voice quivered slightly seeing Boruto's scared for his life pout and Sarada's bloodthirsty eyes (or as boruto would call bloodthirsty foureyes).


Naruto sat at his desk while trying to keep his head from falling into the ramen cup below him. Even on his first day back it was clear being sick and away from paperwork was much preferred. Shikamaru next to him sighed in annoyance. "Naruto I've given you 3 hours to complete these signatures, and the only words on them is 'ramen' 'I am hungry' 'hokage ramen'"  he repeated the words written on the 3 sheets in front of him. Naruto looked up and chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Nanadaime! Thank goodness shannaro!" Sarada ran in and went to hug the hokage, who accepted and fell into the embrace. 'Why doesn't four eyes treat me like that huh dattebasa!?' Boruto pouted angrily, Mitsuki beside him smiled and approached closer to the desk. Konohamaru walked up as well and began to speak. "Ah..er Nanadaime" he said almost robotically to make sure he doesn't say 'Naruto-niichan' Naruto looked at him as his mouth started to quiver to hold in his laughter, he received a glare in return. "My team and I would like to request our first mission please." the jonin asked ever so politely, sarcasm very much intended as he spoke. The hokage looked at him and recomposed himself and stared at the genin in front of him who looked confused. 

"Right then! I guess it's only my job to give this team their first mission, right dattebayo?"

Konohamaru was being held back by Mitsuki's stretched arms.


Boruto walked down the footpath as the sun's orange and pink rays rested on the ground around him. His team finished their first mission in just one day, much to his annoyance, but he couldn't complain as at least now he could go on much more of them. Sarada and Mitsuki caught up to him. "Ah, Boruto.." the Uchiha spoke looking downwards, the blonde looked at her curiously. "Hm?" Sarada had caught his interest. 

"C-Can you check if I erm.. have a fever or anything?" her eyes danced around trying to avoid his eye contact, but a bright blush was standing clear on her face, though Boruto couldn't tell if it were out of romance. Mitsuki leaned over to look at the scene for he was standing behind Boruto. Said boy turned pale realising what has happened. He brushed away some of Sarada's onix hair and felt her head. His eyes widened and he turned away quickly. The uchiha looked at him and her eyes turned into murderous ones quickly.

"Run home quickly Boruto-kun.. I'm sure you don't want to catch my poorly fists.. do you?" she said and her glasses glinted in the light. Boruto quickly dashed down the path, Mitsuki stayed with Sarada, who began to sprint after him, failing after a wave of dizziness, she growled and a vein popped out of her head. "SHANNAROO! BAKA!" she yelled while Mitsuki grabbed her shoulder and they walked down the other direction.

"Don't worry, you can confess you love to him another time" he said with a smirk, as he was holding back Sarada's punches. The two walked down the pathway as the sun was setting, they headed straight for the Uchiha home to get Sarada to rest, though that was what Mitsuki hoped would be easy. Meanwhile Boruto walked down the other direction until he reached the Uzumaki residence, unsure to be mortified or happy.

'I wonder how Uncle-Sasuke will react to this d-dattebasa!' he freaked to himself just before opening the door.


"Sasuke! You're back from the mission I gave you dattebayo!" Naruto said watching the silent man close the door behind him, quickly rubbing his nose a few times before turning towards his friends. "Hn." he answered reluctantly as he walked over to the desk to report his mission, while stifling a cough in his throat, to with Naruto caught on. "Don't tell me.." he trailed. Sasuke sent him a promising death glare.  The blonde began to sweat as the Uchiha turned on his susanoo. 

"THIS IS SO UNFAIR DATTEBAYO(SA)!" Naruto cried, surprisingly far in the distance Boruto was heard saying the same thing. 


A/N *googles* "how to make good A/N on final chapter of book"


Bye felisha.




Maybe not the best.. Oh well I guess I can give a good one. OwO

*begin playing cheesy music*

I know I've said this a lot in my chapters but.. I honestly can't believe that this book got to where it was, considering I had left it for 4-5 months on a Hiatus i didn't even mention. So truly, *gets out cheesy papers* Thank you all so much! I wish I knew how to say more than that, I hope you can understand that it means more than that. I'm so proud of this book because everyone helped and gave me some ideas to fix it, even if the first 4-5 chapters started out really badly I'm glad everyone could understand and watch me improve. 

So yes, this is the Official Goodbye, however if i do post another chapter it would be about my new book I'm starting in a few weeks called The Uchiha Crest, so I guess if you want to continue to stick with me you can begin to read that too, as you can see on my account I have already made it's prologue. (plug plug plug PLUGGG) 

Sorry, this  is a serious moment i know i couldnt help it.. So once again, for the last time..

Byeeeee~! <3 (I love you all so much!!! ;U;)


'Maybe the goodbye a/n turned out alright'

Uzumaki Illness - A Boruto fanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα