Chapter 5

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Picture : Kane Dohner


Maya was woken up by someone frantically shaking her.

She half opened her eyes to see it was her brother so she swat his hands and try to fall back asleep.

"Maya, wake up. I saw something weird outside" he whispered.

"Nooo I'm sleepy"

"Maya please" something about the desparate tone of her brother made her listen to him and rub her eyes.

She really want to go back to sleep but her brother was pulling her out of their room, making shushing sound when she tried asking him what he was doing.

When they reached the window situated at the end of the corridor, they stood in front of it and hide behind the curtains.

Maya peeked to see two van outside and a man carrying a small sleeping child from one van to another. He transferred 3 of them while talking to their uncle who stood nearby with a smirk.

They couldn't hear anything because they were in the 1st floor.

"Kenny why are they doing that. Who are those kids?" she asked her brother.

"I don't know but I think they are doing something bad. I think they kidnapped them. This is why I told you not to stay with Uncle Maya. He is not a nice man"

"But he is very nice to me" she frowned. He might do things she doesn't like sometimes but he always buy her stuffs and play with her.

"No no. He is just pretending" she scowled at that.

Her brother now look so angry and frustrated, "Fine. You stay here then. I will run away from here"

"No you can't!" she nearly cried at the sudden thought of her brother leaving her.

"Yes I can! You can come too Maya. We can find a place to live and food. We can do it"

"But uncle-"

Her brother suddenly pulled her down to the floor and stare at her with horror in his eyes. "I-I think he saw us"


The creature in front of me is magnificent.

I had the urge to rub my eyes to see if I'm dreaming.

My instincts tell me everything about him screams danger (but I have never been good at listening to my instincts)

Even then, my stomach was fluttering.

He is too beautiful. He looks like he'll lure you, put you under his spell then just when you think you tamed him. He'd eat you up. Like Hades. Like Kaname from Vampire Knights.

"Wait, You are not a Vampire right? " I ask him. In my defense, it's a good question and I just had to make sure.

His lips twitch a bit in amusement.

"Come here" he grumbles, his voice deep and husky like he isn't used to using it.

I had an awful impulse to obey him. I do not think anyone can ignore that command from him.

With an erratic heartbeat, I move towards him. Keeping my eyes on him.

My body fully conscious of his vibe that I take careful steps as if he's the predator that would jump on me if I make even one wrong move.

When I stop a few inches from him I couldn't help but bite my lower lip in confusion at what's happening. Why is he staring at me like that? He is making me nervous. Like really really nervous.

Broken and Beautiful [Kingx #2] [Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now