1| This can't be happening

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"Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy handhold: and with Allah rests the End and decision of all affairs."
-Surat Luqman, verse 22.


I wake up to a house full of chirping people. That would be my family. Honestly, living with so many people sometimes got difficult especially when I needed space.

But all in all it was amazing. I live with my parents, my father's brother and his wife and children and my grandfather.

Right now everyone's in the house which explains the shouting and squealing. Except Emad. My father's brothers son.

He was my best friend and brother for almost fourteen years. But then, he left Lahore and went to study abroad.

I argued and fought with him to stay but all he said was that he would come back after four years of completing university.

Liar. Such a big liar.

It's been more than five years now. But he isn't back. At first, he used to call a lot. But as time passed we grew apart and the calls got from less to lesser until we no longer talked to each other.

I haven't talked to him for four years now. Not even a single text.

I pull myself out of the depressing thoughts of Emad and jump out of bed to get dressed. I had an A-level CIE exam today. Psychology paper 1 & 2.

I had spent the whole night studying and revising. I slept for one hour. From 8 to 9. I had to be at the exam centre at 11 so I still had time.


I walk downstairs with my books and past papers tucked under one arm and my other arm holding my blue silk abaya.

When I started wearing it, a month ago, I was criticised. Not just by friends and classmates but also by my family.

It would have been nice if they'd been supportive but I can't just have a perfect family. Still, they were growing accustomed to it.

But I was always told to take it off otherwise 'no one will marry me'. They said that the hijab was one thing but abaya another.

I didn't care though. I can't just take some part of Islam and leave the other part. And I'm not going to change my actions just because nobody will marry me.

They can go to hell, for all I care. I'm not desperate for love because I know what reality is. And there are no flowers and butterflies unless Allah wants us to be happy.

I walk to the lounge and the sight before me causes my knees to go weak. This can't be happening.

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