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"Say (to the rejectors): 'My Lord is not uneasy because of you if you call not on Him: but you have indeed rejected (Him), and soon will come the inevitable(punishment)."


As I step out of the exam centre, euphoria courses through my bloodstream. I never have to take psychology paper 1 and 2 again!

I just have psychology paper 3 left. Then I'm done with school for good.

I call my mother and tell her to pick me up. Although I want to know how to drive, I'm not allowed by my family. They believe that girls shouldn't drive.

Ah well.

As I wait for the car, I decide to sit on one of the benches. I sigh in relief and put my head back.

I pick up on the conversation of the group sitting next to me. Boys and girls together. Laughing, talking, having 'fun'. I sometimes wonder whether they're actually having fun or pretending to.

I never want to find out.

I keep my eyes shut and before I know it I drift into a peaceful sleep.


The earth is shaking.

"Wake up, Maria!"

I bolt upright in my seat.

Groggily rubbing my eyes, I look up.
"Ehhhhh? Who are you?"

"Are you blind? I'm here to pick you up."

I finally understand what's going on. Emad is here. To pick me up. Why is he here.

My face must've been contorted with confusion because he says that there was no one to pick me up.

I nod and get up. He leads the way to the car and I follow him. Half asleep. Sleeping for one hour at night does that to a person.

I sit in the passenger seat of his BMW, turn the AC grills in my face's direction and close my eyes as Emad starts the car and drives off.

"So, how've you been doing?" He asks.


"How was your exam?"


I hear him sigh heavily.
"Why the hell are you ignoring me?"

"I don't talk to men." I mumble.

"I'm your cousin! What has gotten into you, Maria? You've changed so much!" He bellows.


"Speak up, damn it!" His fist connects with the steering.

I open my eyes now and then my face in his direction.

"Listen carefully, Emad. I don't want to talk to you or anyone. So don't ever use that tone with me. You have no right to talk to me like that." I speak with as much energy as I have. Which isn't much.

He scoffs but thank God keeps his mouth shut.

I lay my head against the head rest and close my eyes once again.

Who has ever taken an exam after sleeping for only one hour at night?

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