Chapter 41

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I sat on my bed, seething. I couldn't believe Klaus would compel me! Maybe he thought he was protecting me, but I could handle myself, plus he knew how much I hated having my mind controlled - I was supposed to be in control, not the other way around.

After a few moments of calming myself, I tip-toed over to the window. I opened it very slowly, trying not to make a sound. Once I got it open, I swung my leg over the sill. I looked down at the ground – it was quite a long way down. I was probably going to break something – might as well be my legs, they would heal fastest. I took a breath, and swung my other leg over, falling to the ground. I closed my eyes and bit my tongue to keep a scream from coming out. I hit feet first, and pain ricocheted up my legs, and I immediately fell back, feeling several bones in my feet and lower legs snap. I laid on the ground for a few minutes, letting my legs heal. When I felt no more pain, I sat up and looked around, making sure no one had seen or heard my escape. I didn't see or hear anyone, so I was safe. I hesitantly stood up, and tested my legs. They had healed perfectly. I set out, until I realized I had no clue where my brothers were being held.

“Shit.” I whispered to myself, stopping in the middle of the woods.

“Think, Liz, think.” I mumbled. If I was a vampire hunter, trying to lure in other vampires, where would I go? I thought for a moment, then decided to go to the Grille. It was a focal point in town, known by all residents, so I assumed the hunter would use it as a vampire slaying spot. I raced to the Grille.

When I got to the front of the building, I stopped. The hunter probably had the place booby-trapped. I decided to call Damon's phone, see who would pick up.

“Hello.” came an unfamiliar male voice. I assumed this was the hunter.

“What have you done to my brothers?” I growled out.

“Ah. Ms. Elizabeth Salvatore. It is a pleasure to finally speak to you. I have learned so much about you.” he said.

“Nothing bad, I hope.” I answered with a fake sweet voice. The hunter chuckled.

“ All bad. Mostly repulsive.” he answered, to which I giggled.

“Well, you seem to have me at a disadvantage, Mr...”

“Jordan. Conner Jordan.”

“Conner. What a lovely name. Does your mother know what you're doing.” I asked in my sugar sweet tone. I heard his jaw snap shut and his teeth grind. I grinned.

“You leave her out of this. This about you and the rest of the filthy creatures inhabiting this town.” Conner ground out. I sighed.

“You see us in such a negative light, Mr. Jordan. I'm sure we could all be good friends, if you didn't hunt us all down and try to kill us.”

“I could never be friends with someone like you. I tried once, didn't work out to well.” he said.

“Aw, did you have a girlfriend who didn't respond well to the transition?” I asked, faking sympathy.

“SHUT. UP.” he yelled. I laughed, knowing I had hit a sore spot. I continued to goad him.

“You know, if you would have brought her to me, I might have been able to teach her the right way to be a vampire: snatch, eat, and rip. Oops, is that how its supposed to go?” I said, tauntingly.

“If you don't be quite, I'll kill the black-haired one first – very slowly while you listen. You know, you two look a like.” he said. I heard him do something, and Damon yell in pain.

“STOP IT!” I screamed.

“Come on in, and I will.” he taunted.

“How do I know I won't blow up when I open this door?” I asked.

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