Chapter 1

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He came walking in through the front entrance at a quarter past midnight just like he always does on Friday nights. Mr. Spencer Wright! He reminds me of a very young, cross between Richard Gere and Sean Connery, with such a baby-face but I swear he must be in his early thirties. Those nice gray pinstriped dress pants, that satin peach colored shirt that clings to his every contour, and those suspenders. That strut he always seems to have. Yes he is a beautiful site to look at but then he opens his filthy mouth and disgusts everyone of us by the words he spits in every direction. 

Every female that works here will stare at him but not a single one of us will allow him to get close enough to speak to us. He is vulgar and rude and has no respect for woman what so ever. Someone needs to teach him how to show a little respect toward woman someday. As if his vulgar words were not bad enough but then you add the ogling of our breasts that is so blatantly obvious, the bending over and staring at our asses as we pass by, the rude comments as well as the cat calls he is always yelling out after we pass. Well I for one am getting pretty sick and tired of it. Tonight, if he gets out of hand, I am calling the law. They can handle this, I am tired of it, we all are!

 I watch from across the casino trying to avoid eye contact with him at all costs. Those big Caramel eyes melt every girls heart, like I said before, until he speaks. His olive complexion is one to envy and from what I can tell his body is chiseled to the finest critique.  I have never once witnessed him bring a girl, or a guy for that matter, in here with him. I wonder if he even has any friends at all.  I am guessing he is most likely a virgin because no one can stand to be near him for more than a few seconds.  When he first started coming in here a few months ago we all wanted to get to know him and now we all dread the second he walks through the door. 

He likes to play on the tables, I feel sorry for the Black Jack dealers who are not able to get away from him. He will find a table with female dealer and immediately begin to talk dirty to her as he places his bet. When the dealer is traded out with a male dealer Mr. Wright will either follow her to the next table she is on or find another unsuspecting female dealer to harass. The pit bosses watch him closely but he rarely gets too far out of hand with them. Although I have had to kick him out a couple of times for touching the dealers hands after making oblivious comments to her. Those were extra special nights for me. 

As for the cocktail waitresses I feel most sorry for them. They are always approached by him to order more drinks. He has been known to smack a girls ass, or wrap an arm around her shoulder and cop a feel of her breast then jump back and yell oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. We all know it was his full intent. The Cocktails have all learned that after his second or third drink they need to send him to the bar to get his drinks where he cannot touch them. He does not tip that well so the ladies have learned he is not worth dealing with. 

Mr Wright is heading in my direction so I turn to go the other way when I hear his yell out "Oh Security MAMA, PPPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEEE don't go. I need your help pretty lady!" I turn with fire in my eyes knowing full well this is not going to be good. I ask him what it is he needs. He continues with his stupidity claiming he has lost his cell phone and the game tech told him to find Security. I have thirteen male Security Officers working tonight and he has to search me out!!! What the hell? 

I call for another officer on the radio and 2 of them arrive Officer Smith, and Officer Johnson. I explain to them the issue and request they assist Mr. Wright in trying to find his phone. Officer Smith retrieves the paperwork to get started as Officer Johnson begins to ask some questions and make some calls on the radio to try and locate the missing phone. Mr Wright immediately gets offended that I am no longer going to help him. He grabs my arm and I immediately stare him down and jerk my arm away from him. He reaches for it again as I turn to glare at him. I inform him that if he touches me one more time he will be arrested for assault and he will be going to jail tonight. He appears to be offended but then grins really big and asks if I will be the one arresting him? I could not help but smirk from the puppy dog eyes he was giving me. Almost begging me to arrest him or at least restrain him in my cuffs. 

I tried with every fiber in me not to laugh when he asked me for my phone number! Then asked me if he could come over and allow me to restrain him? My thoughts were going wild as I thought perhaps this could be fun. And maybe just maybe I could teach this fool a little lesson in respect. So when we had found his phone and it was returned to him I decided I would give him my number. He looked shocked but didn't miss a beat by asking if he could come over in the morning when I got off work. I told him not today but what about tomorrow on my day off. He eagerly agreed and headed out the door telling me he would call me later. 

I received a text not even a minute after he left. It said "I can't wait to see you again tomorrow". I blushed a bit but knew I had to come up with a good way to get even with this jerk. Make him feel like a piece of meat the way he makes all of us feel most of the time. I received several more text messages over the next 24 hours. Each one getting more and more vulgar as they went along. I finally responded to him the next night while I was at work and told him to prepare to be devoured. He just sent back a million little smiling emoji. Oh my what in the world have I gotten myself into. I admit I have always been a bit of freak but this is so far out of my character to try and teach this guy a lesson may just cost me a lot more than my dignity.

He asked for my address and I sent it to him in a text. I told him to be at my place around 8:30 am. I get off work around 6:30 am and that would give me time to get home and shower and change then prepare for his arrival. He agreed. 

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