Chapter 18

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The familiar scratchiness of sand brushes against my upturned face as I step out of the carriage. I exchange a friendly smile with the driver, watching as he twitches the reins and turns the horse back toward the Palace.

As the carriage recedes into the distance, I breathe in a great lungful of air, feeling my muscles loosen and a great weight lift from my shoulders. I take in my familiar surroundings and allow the welcome sounds and smells of my beloved market to encompass me.

I long to stroll through the square and catch up with my friends, but first I have to shed these ridiculous Palace garments. Walking quickly, I make my way through the crowd toward a side alley, where I check over my shoulder to be certain no one is watching before slipping between the buildings and then ducking into a shadowed doorway.

In the sheltered area, I slide the leather satchel off my shoulder and dig through its contents, pulling out a plain, sleeveless tunic and a pair of pants. I shed my silk toga and exchange it for the less-conspicuous outfit, carefully folding the dress and placing it back in my bag.

Stepping out into the street, I look about while I tie a scarf around my neck, pulling it up to protect my face from the swirling sand. My steps are light as I head into the market, glancing upward once and squinting as I make out the sun's position, guessing that I have roughly an hour before I am due to meet Will.

My pace quickens when Harry's stall comes into view. His broad back is turned to me while he laughs with a customer, his fuzzy forearms coated in flour and gesticulating madly. I sidle up next to the cart, silent as a ghost as I reach my hand inside, my practiced fingers grasping a crusty roll. I make direct eye contact with Harry's customer as I slowly raise the bread out of the cart, laughing silently behind my scarf.

The customer's eyes widen and he, taps Harry on the arm and gestures toward me, sputtering, "Harry, you're bein' mugged!"

Harry spins around, his beefy hand coming down hard and pinning my wrist in a fluid motion that bellies his size. "Rob me, will you?" he bellows. His eyebrows shoot up in recognition. "That you, Kay?"

With my free hand, I tug the scarf down off my face. "Forgive me, Harry. Old habits, you know?"

His laugh echoes through the square, startling his confused customer. The man scurries away, shaking his head as Harry releases my wrist and pulls me into a hug. I am lifted into the air, my lungs instantly constricting against my friend's thick chest.

"All right, you big softie. It's nice to know that you've missed me," I gasp. I shrug him off and follow him around the back of the stall, sinking down onto an upturned trough. Harry dips two tin cups into the bucket of water at his side and hands one to me, winking as he knocks my cup with his.

"So, where have you been? Haven't heard head or tail of you in weeks. Was beginnin' to worry that you'd done something foolish and got yourself caught." Harry's demeanour is as jovial as ever, but his tone contains a trace of anxiety.

I feel a stab of guilt for having left my friend in the dark. "Just been keeping a low profile—you know how it is." I stare down at my cup, avoiding his gaze.

"Well, glad to see you're all right, girlie. Are you back to stay for a while?"

"Unfortunately, no. My visits are going to be sporadic for a little bit, it seems." I lean back and turn my face up to the sun, catching the warm rays on my face.

I hear Harry give a small sigh and I crack an eye open to peer at him. His posture appears as relaxed as ever as he raises his cup to his lips and speaks to me from behind it.

"Whatever it is you are getting yourself into, I hope you know what you're doing." He is careful to keep his voice low.

I open my other eye and regard him before subtly scanning our surroundings. The market bustles on around us, seemingly oblivious to our conversation, but with so much at stake, I don't want to take any chances. I sidle a little closer and lean back again, relaxing my shoulders.

The Runner (Part I of the Runner Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant