The Order

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"Young master."

Sebastian bowed, after so many years. He finally saw his young master again. He had many questions running through his head, wanting to know about Ciel's whereabouts, and what he has done all this time.

"I can see you haven't disobeyed the order I have given you." Ciel took a long drag from his cigarette, blowing the phantom smoke out before continuing. "I'd figure a thirsty demon like you wouldn't be able to handle so many years without a soul." Ciel had a smirk splayed on his face as he stared at his butler with his lifeless blue eye. The boy then got off the car door, walking gracefully towards Sebastian, but something in his steps were saying something. He had some sort of seductiveness radiating off of him, as if he's trying to seduce his butler.

Sebastian just stood there as he watched his young master approach him with such swift movements, he noticed some subtle changes in his master that he didn't really notice at first. Somehow, Ciel was taller, his body seemed lean, from the skin-tight clothes he was wearing. He wasn't the scrawny brat he remembered him to be so many years ago. His master was no longer alive, and technically he wasn't young anymore, but all Sebastian knew was that Ciel had grown up.

"You know how I said that you'd take the soul of your previous master?" Ciel purred, now feet away from his butler. Sebastian's breath hitched, his inner demon was screaming at him for a soul, the last soul he craved was Ciel's, but it's not like he can have that. "Go do that now."

He didn't need to be told twice. Sebastian was like the wind, he quickly went inside the building. He saw his previous "master" standing there, about to off at him for not following his order, but the man never did. Sebastian was quick about it, he took that man's soul as fast as lightning. The man lay there, dead and lifeless, color already drained from his face. Sebastian wiped his mouth as he walked away, having a bitter taste left on the tip of his tongue.

"Damn demon, you didn't fucking hesitate for a second now did you?" the teen a playful glint in his eye, knowing well that the statement would surely piss Sebastian off. The demon butler gave his master a very subtle glare, you brat, you wouldn't know how it feels to not have a single soul in your system.

BITCH! I've had this fic up since 2016! And now it's 2018! I really neglected writing this simply because I had lost my interest in anime. But I just don't like leaving things hanging and not finished. So I'm going to finish writing this shit story that my 13 year-old emo self thought up and started writing. Let's just say that my writing is very shit and this is probably the worst thing you'll ever read, but it's whatever.
This story is literally gonna become PWP and angst! I originally wanted it to be romance but with both of them being demons I just couldn't really find it to make much sense. Plus the chapters are going to be at least 500 or so words (unless it's smut yk) so vv short chapters. So yeah I'm going to try to update every week or so until I'm done with this story.

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