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When the Avengers first saw Spider-Man fight, no one could deny that the kid was flexible - even Nat would raise an eyebrow at some of the stunts he pulled off. There was a growing pool about if he had always been like that or gained the ability after the spider bite, but none had been able to confirm it with Peter yet.

Now that they knew the boy, it was always fun to watch him on television whenever a news station found the need to feature him. Clint and Sam would always try to guess what moves the kid would pull next, offering for Scott to join in as well; though Scott said he knew absolutely nothing about gymnast moves and would probably lose all his money.

But there was something different about watching him move in person that had their jaws dropping.

"Are we sure that that kid is a boy?" Clint asked, his legs pressed firmly together as he saw Peter do a split in mid-air, his legs bending upward so far that his feet were leveled with his waist before using his momentum to swing forward on his webs.

"I'm ninety-three percent positive that Peter is a boy..." Tony replied, cringing slightly as well while said boy nearly turned himself inside out in a sudden turn.

Tony had recently set up a parkour course in the Avengers gym so that Spider-Man could practice something other than combat with the team, and the boy absolutely loved it. The Avengers had appeared one by one to watch the wannabe Olympian train, starting out with a chuckle as they heard him hollering his excitement... ending with grimaces each time he pulled a new move.

"He's pretty good," Natasha said, her watchful and trained eye studying his every move. "With some proper instructions, he could really be unstoppable with a body like that."

"Hey now," Tony sent a teasing look to her, "No turning into a cougar over my protege. He's mine and you can't have him."

Nat raised an eyebrow at the same time that Tony realized his mistake; Sam and Rhodey snickered in the background as Tony held his hands up in surrender and backed away toward the course.

"Hey, Peter!" Tony called, turning his back to Natasha when he felt it was safe. "May called and said it's alright for you to spend the night."

Peter hooked his legs around a bar and hung upside down, bending backwards to look at the man, "Really? Awesome!"

"Kid," Tony grimaced, "Don't do that, you'll break your back."

"I do this all the time," Peter dropped to the ground, flipping midair to land in a crouch. "I haven't broken anything yet."

"You say that now, but just you wait until you're in your thirties and need a hip replacement." Tony clapped a hand against Peter's shoulder, starting to lead him back to the group.

"Nah, I'm going to stay young forever." Peter smirked, winking at his mentor.

"Oh, my God," Clint stood up from his seat when they were closer and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders when Tony moved away, "We're going to enroll you into the Olympics next year. With Nat's training, you will be the champion for the rest of your life. We can be rich!"

"Sure, let's do this! I need to pay for college somehow!"

"How far can you actually bend?" Scott asked, looking Peter up and down.

Peter shrugged, "I'm not sure... I've never actually tested it out before."

The Avengers all glanced at each other, some of them slowly starting to smirk. "Bend backwards."

Peter raised an eyebrow as he leaned back; Natasha stepped forward and put a leg behind his while grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back more. Peter's eyes widened as he moved his hands to catch himself, ending up with both his hands and feet on the floor.

"Try moving your hands closer to your feet," Nat instructed, letting him go as she crossed her arms and watched him. Peter gulped slightly as he made sure his hands stuck to the ground as he did as he was told, his balance starting to shake. He was able to comfortably move back for his hands to touch his ankles, almost laughing at the others' expressions of discomfort.

After getting some help back up, Peter suddenly realized that he wouldn't be getting off the hook so easily.

"What else can you do?" 

"Nat, what's the biggest thing for him?"

"Do a back flip and land in a split!"

An hour later, Wanda walked into the room and froze in place as she saw Peter holding himself up on his forearms, his head and chest parallel with the floor while his stomach was nearly vertical and his legs pointing in the same direction as his arms, the back of his thighs touching the top of his head. The Avengers were surrounding him, all had very uncomfortable expressions. She didn't blame them...

"What is going on here?" She asked, causing everyone to jump and look at her, Peter bringing his body back into a normal human position.

"The kid is going to be an Olympian!" Clint shouted happily as Peter shrugged with an embarrassed smile.

A/N: I looked up gymnastics back bends for this chapter... I hurt very much just from the pictures. Gymnasts aren't humans. There is no way.

Also, I'm really sorry if it seems like this story doesn't have a plot. I've always struggled with writing things with plots in it, but the last chapter will tie everything together. Hopefully. I haven't yet decided what the last chapter is going to be about... I've got three different ideas for it. I'm writing out each idea to see which I like best haha... Wish me luck.

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