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To love is more than just losing a piece of yourself and offering it to someone, it is trusting your well-being to them, without a question, without a single doubt, without hesitation, but with faith. A love so immaculate: free of flaws and only so benevolent.

And he is the embodiment of love;



I'm Serenity Love Asis Lavendaria, 22 years old with a pseudonym of "Rene".

I daresay I'm a simple person, I see love in its purest form and I believe in love in fleeting moments; Chastisement in mischievous glances; Reality inside dreams; Eternity within the numbered days.

The beauty he exudes is a beauty to behold; Love? It's more than that, it's obsession, possesion and destruction. It's there even when it shouldn't be there at all. It tears you apart but the pain only makes it more real, the tears are proof that it once existed and the heartache leaves the memory of a bittersweet lovestory.

When it is too painful to believe in something again, all it takes is a single moment to rewrite the story again.

Because everything starts with a wish.

"I have all but one wish. Let me see the true essence of love once again."


"Rene, I'm really sorry!" he begged for my forgiveness but I just couldn't forgive him this time heck I can't even force myself to look at him without throwing up because of utter disgust.

"Sorry your face, Troye! If you think I can forgive you for cheating then boy are you so wrong. I can't even look at you without throwing up! This is where I should actually use my remaining dignity and break up with you. We're over, Troye. Let's go in separate ways from now on."

Every word I utter sends a piercing stab into my heart. No, I cannot live without him. Troye has become my only foundation, we built our relationship for four long years! How could I just throw that away? But I've had enough.

"Baby, let's fix this please... I cannot afford to lose you!" He grabbed my hands in his and begged. I would have gave in with that, he has always been so attractive with his big doe eyes, pointed nose and perky lips that I used to love kissing but knowing that he used that very same lips while making out with another woman brings me back to reality. A reality that he cheated on me.

"I-I have to think about it but I won't promise, good bye for now Troye..."

I turned my back from his pleas, and quickly exited his flat.

As soon as I closed the door, tears welled up in the corner of my eyes and droplets of tears fell from them like a heavy rain with no sign of stopping. I tried to stop myself from crying but I couldn't do it, it is the only way I can release the pain.

It was supposedly a good day today, it was our fourth year anniversary! I even baked a cake for celebration and dolled myself up to make myself lovable in front of his eyes but instead of the one supposedly surprising him, I was the one who got surprised.

A girl was kissing my man's lips and they were inhaling each other's mouth like there's no tomorrow. Merely thinking about it turns my stomach upside down, imagine the things they could have done if I didn't come to stop them. Flashbacks rushed in my mind like a flood, how the girl looked familiar that's when realization hits--- she was my colleague in work that also claims to be my bestfriend. Oh how disgusting they both are. What a good hecking surprise indeed.

When I stopped crying, I gathered all my remaining energy and went to the nearest bar in the city. The stale air of September caressing my skin, it's some time in the afternoon and the bar, I don't exactly remember the name of, has barely any customers in it at all but I made myself comfortable on one of their stools.

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