The Genius Next Door

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He watched them.

The shrilling screams were beautiful and they echoed alluringly through the night. He couldn't help but watch and listen to those screams longingly. They were different from the ones he heard at home.

On the other side of the shore, the moonlight reflected off of beer bottles lost in the sand. He heard more high-pitched screams, the pretty ones. Shadows of bodies splashed in the water, splitting apart the green foam that had formed along its surface. The ripples would never make it to where he was sitting, but it didn't matter.

He inhaled the sweetly scented smoke. He let the lucid imaginations manipulate his mind. He kept looking across the lake, the sounds of frightened pleasure deepening the hole in his chest. He looked up at the old stars, wondering if they looked down upon the scene, desiring as he did.

The Genius stands up. He tosses his faithful friend into the slime, taking one last look at the worshipped shadows that decorated the intoxicated water. It was time to go home.


He stepped over forgotten garbage and exhausted stains. He opened an icy door, searching without really looking. Bloodshot eyes glanced over evil privileges, and a shaking hand grabs one.

He passed the kitchen table that was swallowed with stationery. Desperate invitations to a bright and shiny future blatantly ignored. A looming figure towered over another, holding a fist of burning authority. The Genius swam through the ugly screams, letting the hallucinations sweetly guide him to sanctuary. Glass shattered against the walls of his childhood as he took a gulp of relief.

He nurtured his empty arousal. The artificial cries of a lost and defeated dream pierced his skull, intensifying his rhythm. The screams had unwillingly blended themselves together, and the Genius was numb with sensation. The walls shake angrily, and he shakes angrily in return. Sticky strands of guilt showed their brief gratitude, leaving the Genius abandoned, once again.


He sits in the corner. He gazes down at his virtuous measure of accomplishment, the drone of a colorless voice wearying him. He looks into the beyond. He glimpses into the lake, using the skeletal fingers of his mind to split apart the thick, green, foam. It was pleasant and attractive down there. The aura of the stars seemed to dance along the water's skin, the sweet screams of pleasure echoing in the Genius's memory.

He looks up. He exquisitely recites the expected response. The Genius was completely careless of how the others seemed to empty their gazes of hatred into his blood.

He was soon tasting the cold, empty metal of enmity. He was osculated with an unforgiving assortment of malice and agony. He leers back into the beyond. The lake was still there.

The Genius was calm as he stared into the black container. A warm and metallic formula gently caressed his lip, kissing him sweetly. He swings the heavy and useless collection of intellect from his back, watching as they poured like spit into the abyss.


He wiped away spills. He would grunt in response to the self-indulgent requests of attempts to fill the void. The Genius would adjust his afflicted attire, leaving the commonly pursued greens on the tables. He would smile to himself, his crusted lip splitting and causing a leak of blood to run down his chin, once again reminding himself of the lake. Another mess, another splatter.


He stands by the dumpster. He sheds the layers of lies, the colorful fabric being tossed into the putrid pit of waste. The Genius laughs, slamming the final decision shut.

He arrives to the lake.


The Genius looks down into the promising, foamy surface of moss. One foot first, breaking the diluted dimension apart. And then another. He wades himself in slowly, laughing to himself. He enjoyed the carelessness of existence. The stars looked down upon him, just as they had always done.

The only thing left to do now, was submerge.

The Genius swims into the gentle darkness, going farther down towards the fulfilling promise. It embraces him. It accepts him willingly, for everything that he is. The Genius next door. And it does not let go. 

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