I was better off at the ma'am cave.

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I have never been to a ball in my life. My idea of dressing up is wearing leggings instead of pajamas while going to class. Any information I have on balls is from Google, Pinterest and Disney movies. Okay, only Disney movies and Pinterest the one time I was pretending to be Cinderella years ago. (Read: It might have been just last week) 

Hannah will not be back for another hour and I can't wait to have her back in our ma'am cave. 

As per all my research, I need a pink dress. Thankfully I have a flamingo-colored strapless dress that has a massive bow covering my bust. It makes my boobs look nonexistent but it is also so dainty that it makes me feel like a lady. 

I got it at a thrift store in California for $12, and it has a rustic yet feminine feel to it. It is unpretentious and simple, but I am hoping if I can add some curls to my hair and make it look like they do in YouTube tutorials, I'll be okay. That's the thing about long hair, they can transform any outfit and make it look either classy or spicy. 

I look at my watch, and it is 6:45. I put on my beachy waves hair tutorial and start working on my hair like the fake pro I am. I am pretending that I too am making a tutorial in front of the mirror, talking to myself like it is not weird at all. 

I don't usually put an effort into my appearance, unless I am getting ready for a crush, in that case, I go all out. But tonight I want to look pretty not just for Will but also for myself. Okay fine, I want to look good for Will but you would have to be blind not to want him to notice you. 

I stalk him some more on Instagram. This time making sure to also check out the pictures he is tagged in. 

Sadly there is not one unflattering picture of him online. Life is unfair. 

Hannah enters the room looking exhausted with a large cup of coffee in her hand and a few books in the other. This is a rare sight to behold. Her hair is an utter mess and she has leftover mascara on the edge of her eyes. You can tell her ass is on fire by her less than perfect appearance. She would not be caught dead in those shabby pajamas and an old sweatshirt. She is a proud Leo, who makes it a point to look her best at all times. You never know who might want to get coffee while you're at rock bottom. 

It's like we've swapped lives or something. 

"I am so fucked Mia," she says as soon as she enters and then goes on and on about her crazy day with useless people who bring her down. I let her vent. 

The group she is working with on her final project is genuinely good for nothing. They have been slacking all semester, and with all the parties, social gatherings, luncheons, tea parties, brunches, and dates Han has had on her plate, I am not surprised she left it for the last moment. She had other, more important things to do.  

"I don't think I can go out tonight. I have to stay up all night and work on the presentation and the final report that is due at 5 tomorrow." Throughout the semester, not once have I heard her say these magical yet tragic words. I was starting to think she is sleeping with all her professors for grades. I am relieved to know she too has to study to graduate college. 

"Mia! Stop being a cunt to your best friend," the inner voice says. Apparently, she is just a bitch to me. "You stop being a cunt to me, you hypocrite," I reply to the bitch. Shoot! I am fighting with my own self right now. What is wrong with me?

Her distraught voice as she talks about missing out on tonight's ball to work is sad. I am sad that she can't go okay? But I am no saint. I've been slogging all semester while she has been at every remotely alcohol-related event on campus. Maybe I am lowkey jealous of my own best friend. Am I a horrible person? I hope not. 

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