Chapter 27

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Will climbed out of the black pick-up truck that he had parked a few feet from the road. Once he had slammed into their car, and the hummer went rolling on its side he knew there was no way they were going to drive away from that.

Turning he saw the smaller sports car pull up alongside him on the dirt. Jamie and Jax climbed out looking at the wreckage of the smoking car in front of them.

"We sure it's them?" Jax asked walking up alongside Will who put up his gun.

"If it isn't, we're going to run into quite a bit of a lawsuit" Will replied slowly approaching the wreckage.

"I can't believe it shook us on the road. How does it even know how to drive?" Jamie said crossing her arms and frowning.

She had been the one driving the red sports car and was humiliated that they managed to shake her off. Fuming she looked at her brother who only shrugged since he had been shooting. Will looked humored by the thought.

In the distance, Sarah jogged up to the group calling out to them to make sure everyone was alright. She had been driving the white pickup, and almost had gotten them before Will came in and took the spotlight.

"That was a close one, if they had gotten away Lara and David would've put us on a stake," she commented shaking her head and surveying the wrecked car.

The hunters didn't hear anything from the wreckage, but they knew they needed to proceed with caution. Will held up a finger to his lip silencing the group and nodded to Jamie to circle around the flipped car. Drawing their guns, they held it out and ready for any surprises and looked in.

They saw a man and woman in the front seat hanging limply, both injured and unconscious. Will looked to Jax and Sarah, gesturing for them to cover him and Jamie while they pulled the two out. Unbuckling the seatbelt holding the woman on the driver side, Will tried his best to drag her out without rousing her too much. He laid her out on the grass with Jax covering him, gun ready. On the other side, Jamie did the same dragging a man's body out onto the grass.

"Are they all wolves? This one's bleeding pretty heavily from his head" Sarah commented looking closer at the man laid out.

"I don't doubt the information they gave us, they said the wolves would try escaping town either through the forest or roads. Alana, the York's and Justin are watching the woods and didn't see anything. There were only two cars trying to leave town and after following the others I came to you guys." Will explained looking the woman over.

She was also injured and bleeding from the side of her head with a cut going down her arm, but in the moonlight, it was hard to make out much more detail. Was the blood dry though, Will wondered?

"Guys we have movement in the back of the car," Jax said angling his gun on the trunk now.

The hunters grew quiet hearing the noises now. Since Will and Jamie covered the two lying on the ground Jax and Sarah moved towards the trunk. Sarah nodded to Jax who moved to open the trunk quickly then the both of them move to point inside.

"We got two people back here, they seem like kids," Sarah said as Jax reached in pulling out the children.

They were both also unconscious and lacked any clothes besides pieces of what looked like a tarp covering their bodies.

"These have got to be the wolves," Jax said looking to Will and his twin.

"Then these two?" Jamie asked gesturing at the man and women.

"We'll find out once they wake up, for now, we need to be getting back since we've caught the rogues" Will directed and everyone nodded.

"Even if they shift they'd be small, are we sure these are the rogues that attacked their kids and the other girl?" Sarah asked grunting as she dragged the kid's bodies further away from the smoking car.

"We can't underestimate them, but we can't bring them all back either. They said only two come back" Jamie said still covering everyone in case one of them woke up.

"And which two will that be?" Jax asked checking the magazine of his gun.

"It's not a hard choice; we ditch the kids and bring the other two back. Lara and David want to get leverage out of the wolves; there's a more likely chance those two could be someone's mate and bring their other half running. The kids are expendable. Although research wise their bodies could be valuable" Sarah explained calmly.

"Decision made then, simple as that" Jax shrugged clicking off his safety, and aiming it at the little boy's head.

Will narrowed his eyes thinking he saw the woman move and stepped back right as she jumped into a crouching position. She growled loudly eyes bright, fans elongated and clawed nails ready as she faced the group.

"The wolfs awake!" he called aiming at her as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't touch them" she growled barely comprehensible.

Will moved between her and the group, gun aimed at her chest in case she made any move, but remained neutral. One wolf did not scare him, or change their plans.

"Jax hurry up" he quipped, and the wolf growled louder getting to her feet.

"If you shoot them I'll kill you"

"I'd like to see you try" Will smirked.

Out the corner of his eye Jamie remained covering the man in case he stirred awake, but behind him, Sarah had moved her gun to cover the female werewolf. Jax only looked at the female wolf as he leveled his gun with the boys' head and shot him. The female growled louder moving fast towards Will, but he was used to werewolf speed and had his finger on the trigger the moment she stood.

So, when she took that step forward he shot her in the chest making her halt. He thought that'd take her down, but the wolf looked at him with bright watery eyes unwavering and tried taking another step forward. Instinctively he backed up and shot her again in the shoulder only making her pause, as behind him Jax shot another bullet at the boy.

"Stop it," the female cried, but Will only took another step back wondering why she didn't go down.

As Jax moved onto the little girl wolf the older female moved again faster this time, but Will took a few more steps back shooting her again in the thigh, making her fall to her knees for a moment. The female didn't stop and only glared at him continuing to growl and stumbled to her feet. The bullets were laced with wolfbane, so she should be in unimaginable pain, but she kept advancing on him.

"Please just stop, haven't you killed enough?" she shouted voice cracking. He'd almost think it possessed emotion for the smaller wolves.

"Will?" Sarah asked behind him wondering if he'd need her help in shooting the female.

They couldn't kill her but if she kept advancing he just might have to.

"I got it. Stand down wolf, or I'll be forced to kill you" he challenged.

"I don't care if you kill me just spare her life in return," the wolf said.

Jax waited poised over the little wolf watching Will to make sure he wouldn't need help since he was closer than Sarah who stood across from them.

Sarah looked between Will and the older female wolf noting the wolfs loyalty in person. It was almost admirable, unfortunately, the trait had placed him something like "that" she thought.

"I'm sorry but this isn't a negotiation, and we have bigger plans for you" Will finally said.

At the same time, Jax shot the little girl Will shot one at the wolf, then with his other hand reached for a taser he held at his belt. The female fell to her knees hands curled in the dirt as she cried out in pain but slowly looked up at him, eyes dilated. She was pissed he knew but amping up the voltage on his taser eventually her eyes rolled back, and she passed out from the pain and electricity.

With the older wolf having fallen to the ground Will put away his gun and told the others to do the same so they could get going. They had wasted too much time here with this sad excuse of a standoff. Now that they had their leverage it was time to put it to use.

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