Chapter 17

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Alice's POV

I was awaken by the loud noise downstairs. I can hear my fathers voice. My parents returned from their trip.
I stretched my arms and get off the bed. I went first at the bathroom to fix myself before heading downstairs. I saw my father talking with someone at the living room.

I could guess who my father is talking with despite the fact that his back is facing me. "Hey, you're already awake," he said that makes the man turned to face me. I smiled as an answer.

"Good morning," he greeted.
"What is good in the morning? Kindly enlighten me?" I asked that made him grin.

"The morning is good because I saw you again," he answered despite the fact that my father is just sitting just infront of him.

I rolled my eyes as an answer that made my father laugh. Yeah, the one that my father is talking with is my dear ex-husband. Ever since that incident in our kitchen, he always have time to visit me.
Sometimes he's with Faye, his cousin Luke or Calvin. At first I was glad to know that Calvin and Clyde are in good terms again after having some misunderstanding about something that I don't know.

I went to the kitchen and saw my mother cooking. Yes, she prefer to cook for us. She doesn't want anyone to do it that causes us not to have a cook even if we can have one.

"So, are you guys in good terms?" she asked out of the blue.

"I'm asking you if you are in good term with him?" she repeated her question.

I heaved a deep sigh, " I don't know, I really don't know what his intentions are."

"But I think, he is trying to woo you," she said as if she was sure about it.

"I don't think so, he even give you his attention than on me."

"Ah, ah my baby is jealous. Don't worry he is just trying to gain our trust."

"And why is that?"

"Ah, remember the saying that one way  to get a womans heart is to gain his parents trust," says my mother that made me raised my eyebrow.

"Not all man has that intention. What if he really gained your trust? You are not the one marrying or sleeping with him, still he can do something that could hurt your baby," I said.

"Oh come on, just believe in me!" she said with finality in her voice. Well, obviously I won the argument.

After preparing the food, I went to where my father and ex-husband are and invited them to eat. "So tell me Clyde what are you planning to do after you close the deal with mr. Anders?" my father asked.
Clyde who is just sitting beside me said,"Well, I would focus on my first priority."

"And that is?" asked my father again.

"And that is to find the woman that is really destined for me," he answered that choked me.
I didn't expect him to say those things infront of my father. I look at my mother who is just sitting across me and give her that I-told-you look.
"Goodluck then, what can you say about it Alice?" asked my father.

I shifted my attention to him. Of all people that he could ask, why me. Supposedly, he should be mad at him and ask him to get out from his sight or of this house. "We-well that's great," I said before I immediately focused my attention on the food infront me.

My father didn't say anything regarding that thing. Instead, he shifted  the topic into something that I was not interested of. Who could possibly be interested talking about business infront of the foods? Ha, it's only those stupid people I guess? Never mind.

After eating for breakfast, I went to my room and change into something more comfortable. I promise Faye to meet her up at my botique. Yeah, after a week that I returned from India, my friends started to disturb me with their annoying complains. They bombarded me with a lot of questions on as to why I didn't tell them about my whereabouts and everything I don't remember. It was then that Faye asked me to take over my botique from her hands since it's mine.

"Hey, you are zoning out again!" says Clyde who is standing infront of me. I didn't know how he came face to face with me, without me noticing about it. I didnt even remember myself reaching the bottom part of the stairs. From what I remember, I  was in my room.
"Sorry just thinking about something," I said in my usual cold tone.

"Are you going to visit your botique today?" he asked. Of course he know that the only place I can go is to where my happiness and interest exist. I'm not fond of running a business.

But isn't it a business when you're running  your own botique? asked my damn brain.

"Yep, I promised Faye that I'll be there today," I answered.

"Would you mind if I will offer you a ride?" he asked.
"Oh, I have my own car but if you insist there's no problem with me, besides I'm also  lazy to drive."

"Okay then," he said before leading me outside to his car just beside my car.

Silence reigned between us as soon as he started the engine. He tried to start a conversation but I was too lazy to answer him. I just gave him a nod and a small smile.
How I wish, this happened during the time we were married. Maybe now we are happily married with two kids. A boy and a girl, I guess or a twins maybe.
If only he was this sweet when we were still married maybe I'm  not in this situation trying to avoid his presence.
"Here we are!" he announced  that brought me back to reality. I look out at the window to confirm that we are already here. It's not that I don't trust him but I'm just making sure that this time around I'm not being fooled by someone. I don't want what Faye had done during my first attempt to visit here to happen again. Instead of bringing me here, she brought me to a flower shop.

"Zoning out again babe," he said while snapping his fingers infront of me.
I walked pass him and entered the botique. I was greeted by Karen who I honestly didn't expect to stay despite the fact that I was not the one managing the botique.
"Welcome back ma'am and hello sir," she said. I smiled as an answer. I glance at some staff, if thats the right term to describe the workers who are entertaining the customers, who were busy in welcoming the customers. I didn't know that this botique will still be exclusive after all this years. I really need to give reward to Faye for managing it well.

I entered my office and everything is still in place. There's no change. Except ofcourse of the curtains and some other stuffs that are needded to be changed. I sit at my swivel chair and heaved a sigh. I can't deny the fact that I had missed this place.

"Are you gonna sit there?"
I lifted my head just to see Clyde standing at the doorway.
"I-I don't actually know what to do," I honestly said. After leaving this place I have and coming back again to manage it is quite difficult to do. "Mind me asking why are you still here? You are supposedly at your office," I added.

"Want to be with you," he answered before letting himself in and sit at the couch.

I can't deny the fact that his words has an effect on me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. But what happened during our marriage hit me. He's doing this for his own good.  "Why are you doing all this things Clyde. Visiting me at my place, giving me a ride going to places I wanted to go and sometimes giving me present?"

"I know that you know the answer," he answered

"Am I going to give my time asking you that question if I knew the answer?" I asked as if I'm talking to someone who doesn't know anything about the topic.

"Alice, I know I've done horrible mistake during our marriage. I screwed up and now I want to make things right," he said.

I met his gaze. I could see a mixture of sadness, pain, and guilt in his eyes. Emotions that I didn't saw during our marriage. "You don't need to make things right because it's already right. I'm happy now and look at you, you can have any girl you want," I said.

"No one could make me happy but only-"

"Only me? Clyde are you serious, after everything you've done? You hurt me or whatsoever you call it? Why now Clyde, why now that I'm trying to move on and go on with my life," I burst out. Coming back is a wrong idea after all. But what could I do if that's the only way for me to be with my parents.

"Sorry and promise that I'll make it up to you," he said before finding his way out from my office.
I admit that I still have that feeling for him but I couldn't assure that I can trust him. She broke it into pieces and I think he needs to do something that could fix it again.

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