Chapter 5

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By the time we walked out of the building where I was being held and made our way towards Tawney's Trinkets, the morning sun had started to light the sky. The sky was aflame with pinks, golds, and amber, and I had a sense of foreboding shiver through me.

The streets were desolate, only hungry eyes of the homeless peered at us through the dark alleyways. The figures weaved through the shadows, keeping us in sight as we marched down the cold, narrow pathway towards Tawney's Trinkets. A low mumble of conversation hummed through the air from the crevices and made my skin prickle with unease.

I kept my gaze forward, as though I was oblivious to the lurkers' plans. But I knew. Much hadn't changed on the streets since I left. The dangerous ones stayed out at night. The ones we children had known to avoid. I passed a look over to Volorn and Axel, seeing if they noticed the excited whispers from around us, but I couldn't read them as they strode confidently beside me.

I chewed on my lip, unsure whether to say anything. Perhaps the shadowed figures could create a distraction and give me an opportunity to flee. As I mused over the possibility, I continued to direct them through the streets, taking turns that looped around to routes we had just walked in a bid to confuse them. I didn't want them knowing a direct route to Tawney's if I could help it.

As we came to a familiar street for the third time around, Axel's lip curled up and he peered at me in silent amusement. "Funny. I feel like I've been here before."

I blinked at him as though confused, and innocently replied, "Many of the streets look the same, sir."

He puffed out a little snort before Volorn's voice cut through the air. "If you want to say goodbye to this friend, you best take us there now before my patience runs out."

I turned my head away to hide the scowl that erupted from my face. "This way."

I tugged on the chain connecting me to Axel with impatience and anger. They jingled together in a soft clang that caused more figures in the shadow to swarm in interest. Probably thinking it was gold.

As we made our way further down the dust-ridden streets, I felt the attention on us grow, and a cold sweat started to break out on my forehead. The people who stayed out at night were not innocent beggars or petty thieves. These were murderers and abusers. They would slice your throat before stealing from you or torture you for the fun of it. I had managed to avoid many things in my life on the streets, but I had witnessed more than a child should. And I could sense an awaiting ambush.

Axel and Volorn grew grim, and they both lowered their hands to their swords at their hips. Slowly, they lifted their weapons from their scabbards, the morning light catching the reflection on the blades. A silent warning to those who dared. The shadows seemed to pause, to assess their prey.

I waited with bated breath to see what they would do whilst thinking of how I could use this to my advantage and escape. I moved a few steps back until I wasn't in their view, giving the impression I was cowering behind them. Instead, I studied the metal clamped around my wrist, giving a few experimental tugs whilst darting a few glances to the men before me, making sure they remained unaware of my small deception.

Volorn flicked a quick look to Axel, who gave a faint nod. Axel turned his head, searching for something before suddenly a mass of figures surrounded us, all armed with deadly weapons. I froze, my muscles bunched up in instinct, forgetting the heavy chain in surprise. I was about to yank my arm and struggle my way out of it in rising terror when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I jumped and spun around in fright to find Volorn standing over me, his fingers tightening on my shoulder.

"Look," he calmly stated as he turned me towards our ambushers. It was then that I realised the figures surrounding us wore the same armour as Axel. It was as though he had summoned an army.

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