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Ladies, Gentlemen and variations there-upon I would like to welcome you back onboard for another instalment! This book is the sequel to Memoirs From The Orange Army and is, sadly, the last collection of my cherished memories whilst working at Britain's beloved low cost airline, easyJet.

easyJet is now the tenth largest airline in the world with more than three hundred aircraft which operate over nine hundred routes across Europe and beyond. The airline has grown exponentially over recent years despite the growing competition from other airlines, both new and old, where they have successfully continued to paint the European skies a slightly lesser shade of Nickelodeon orange.

For those of you who read my first book, my frequent fliers, I'd like to personally welcome you back and offer you a seat in easyJet's premium seating...the overwing exit seats with the extra legroom. If you're new to my books then please read through my first book. Borrow from a friend and never return it, ask a neighbour or simply be less of a cheapskate and buy your own copy! Seriously though, I hope you enjoy my first book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

In this book, we once again delve into the corporate cogs of the airline. Together we will experience the most intimate parts of easyJet through my eyes and memories. This book is possibly the hardest one I've ever written, it is intense, deeply emotional and at times rather sad but not without a smattering of hilarity, embarrassing moments and misfortune.

I must also warn you, this book has unleashed my inner nerdiness and passion for aviation in general. There may be times where I seem to waffle on endlessly about aircraft history, although not without making several digs at other airlines and possibly Boeing too. This book has much less of a filter than my first book which may seem more risqué but it allowed me to pour a lot more emotion into this book.

I'd like to thank a few people before we properly get started. First mention is to my wonderful readers who have eagerly and patiently waited several years for this second book. Secondly is to my closest friends who not only helped to shape my first book and make it a success but have repeatedly reminded and pushed me to get started on this one. Finally is to my partner who has championed me every step of the way. They have helped me to climb out of my depression, figure out where I wish to be in life now and in the future and loved me and all my faults unconditionally.

So, I now cordially invite you to sit down and belt up in readiness for another turbulent ride with Britain's favourite orange airline. I must exercise caution that this book is not always going to put the airline in a positive light but it certainly shows what happens when a team stays united despite having their spirit repeatedly trampled upon. Cabin crew, the doors are now closed so please arm your doors for departure and let the final experience commence!

"There's nothing wrong with doing sequels, they're just easier to sell" - J J Abrams

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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