Chapter Seventeen

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“If you’re going to say ‘I told you so’, please say it now. Don’t let it hang over my head all night.” 

It was still Friday night, after the de-brief with the FBI. Because I hadn’t worn my ear-piece, they hadn’t heard a single word of our conversation so I had to go through my entire conversation with him multiple times. It was a hassle but looking back, I was glad they didn’t hear anything because I had no idea what to say if they asked me what being an Empath meant.

I was still trying to figure out what Gabriel knew about being a Para and how he knew about it. I hadn’t seen that subtle glimmer around him, the clue that Evie said I would get around other Paras. It seemed that he was just an ordinary human…unless he’d figured out some way to hide his abilities?

I wouldn’t put it past him to do that.

Evie, Collins and Jenna were still at HQ, trying to track down the mystery girl. I’d wanted to stay but Assistant Director Shepherd had taken one look at my face and ordered me to go home. I couldn’t blame him. With the fading bruise on my forehead and the red imprint of a palm that was developing on my left cheek, I looked like a total mess.

“I’m not going to say that,” replied Max. He’d been instructed to go home as well, after the long day we’d both had. We were sitting at the counter-top, talking instead of sleeping like we were supposed to. “What makes you think I’ll gloat?”

“Because you were right. It’d been a bad idea for me to meet him.” I dug my spoon miserably into the pint of chocolate ice-cream and licked it. “It was a stupid, rash thing for me to do.”

“It wasn’t the smartest move for you to make, I’ll definitely agree with you on that.” He stole a bite of my ice-cream and pretended not to see my half-hearted glare. “But, hey, even if I don’t always agree with your decisions, I’ll respect them. And considering everything, you did a pretty good job today." 

“I got smacked in the face by a psychopath. That’s a good job?” I deadpanned.

“Okay, like I said before, sending Collins away and being alone with that asshole wasn’t the smartest decision you’ve made. You knew how dangerous he was. But…at least we got some info from your meeting with him. 

“That’s true,” I sighed. “Do you believe me now? About Gabriel being the killer?" 

Max considered this as he spooned more bites of the chocolate ice-cream. I smacked his hand away and moved the ice-cream closer to me. He smiled and raised his hands up in surrender. 

“Well, I guess I do believe you,” said Max. “He’s got opportunity to carry out those murders and he definitely seems crazy enough to have some kind of motive for the killings.”

Cheered up, I raised my spoon in triumph. “Uh huh, that’s right. Who’s the best? I am!”

“Look who’s getting all egoistical now,” joked Max. He leaned in close, gingerly touching my injured cheek. “Does it still burn?" 

I shook my head mechanically; feeling like my breath was caught in my throat. Up close, his eyes seemed even browner and unlike the spicy aftershave that Gabriel St. Clair wore, Max just smelled like strawberry body wash. 

Hold on a minute. “Have you been using my body wash?”

He blushed slightly. “Maybe I ran out of soap and forgot to get more. Maybe I just happened to see your body wash.” 

I couldn’t help myself and burst out laughing. He turned even redder. Leaning back from me, he nodded at me and said, “Anyway, you should probably put something on your cheek.” 

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