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I heard a scream and jumped, until I realized I was the one screaming. My eyes widened and I turned around, abandoning my things and bolting.

I ran like I've never ran before, my legs burned but I ignored it and pushed on. I didn't look back as I headed down the street, remembering my way back to the house.

For a split second I worried about what would happen if Jack was home, but then an image of that guy's black eyes came back and I continued to run.

A part of me, deep inside, told me to turn around and go back to them. That they were what I needed. I tried to convince myself I was running because of his eyes, but the truth stuck, not letting myself use excuses.

I knew the real reason I was running was because I'd used my voice for the first time. In nine years. And they'd all heard it.

It wasn't the same as talking I guess, but still. I knew tomorrow would bring questions. Questions I couldn't and didn't want to answer. They all knew my voice worked now, which was going to cause a problem for me.

I heard them shout my name a few times, but I soon was out of earshot. My thighs began to throb and I felt a growing cramp appear in my side, but I decided not to care. No way was I stopping until I made it home.

And I didn't. I kept running until I burst through my front door, slamming it shut behind me.

What I didn't expect was to see Jack sitting there. In the living room. Eating a sandwich. Well, crap.

He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. "Eirenae." He said slowly, his voice like ice. "What are you doing home?"

I gulped and pulled at a strand in my hair, not meeting his eyes. In a flash, he was in front of me.

"Answer the question, Eirenae. What are you doing out of school?"

I blinked and looked up at him, jumping backwards when I saw how close he was. His eyes were dark and menacing, while his voice was cold and calm, which was almost scarier than when he was screaming at me.

I shook my head. Didn't he get it? I haven't answered a question in over ten years! When is he going to notice that he is who made me stop talking? That I probably won't ever talk again?

He took a step towards me, making me flinch a little. "Use your voice, girl. I know it works!"

I widened my eyes and opened my mouth, but only silence followed.

Suddenly my back hit the door. Hard. I cried out as his fist made contact with my face. I sunk to the floor, raising my hands to block my face. Unfortunately, that did nothing, as he harshly grabbed my wrists, digging his fingers in so hard I knew there'd be bruising. Jack yanked me forward and I fell face first to the floor, my nose taking the fall.

Suddenly I was being lifted to my feet by my hair. I silently shrieked and clawed weakly at his arms. Jack just chuckled at my attempts.

I screeched again and he dropped me. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor again. I watched from my place on the ground as Jack walked away and into the kitchen, leaving me to crawl away to my room.

Getting to my room wasn't so hard, he didn't touch my ribs this time, so I was able to stand up and limp down the hallway. I collapsed on my bed in a heap and took deep breaths. I just wish I could get out of here. Seriously, the second I turn eighteen, I'm out. I don't care if I have to live homeless on the streets. Right now, anywhere sounded better than here.

I wasn't laying on my bed for very long before I heard a sharp knock on the door. I sucked in a breath and stood up, limping to my doorway and leaning on the frame.

I strained my ears as Jack swung the front door open.

"Who are you?" Jack asked gruffly.

"I'm in Eirenae's class. She left her backpack and I came to return it." Oh no. I thought, suddenly knowing who it was.

"Thank you." Jack said as politely as he could. I heard him take the backpack from the boy's hands. It was that scary guy from earlier, with the changing eyes.

There was a moment of silence. "I think she went home because she was sick, is she alright?"

I could tell Jack was trying to keep his cool. "She's fine." He said. "Just resting. You should probably go now."

"Alright." And then the door clicked shut. I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing what was coming.

His footsteps were painfully slow as he lumbered to my bedroom. And then I was on the floor.

He'd thrown the backpack at me, effectively knocking over my small, malnourished frame. I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying out.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" He yelled. "How did that boy know where you live?" Kick. "Huh? Did you tell him to come rescue you?" Slap. "Do you need a better punishment so you learn?" I heard a rib crack.

I shook my head fiercely. I don't know how that guy found out where I lived. And I definitely didn't need more punishment for something I didn't even do. 

He picked me up by my hair again, but this time I refused to make a sound, even though it hurt like heck. Jack gripped my neck with his hands and my eyes widened. He wouldn't choke me to death, would he?

"Eirenae, do we need to move again?"

I shook my head, well tried to.

He narrowed his eyes. "Are you friends with that boy?" I shook my head again, desperately trying to get out of his hold.

He tightened his grip and I started freaking out. I could no longer breathe.

"Maybe I should just kill you, it would make my life so much easier. I wouldn't have to move all the time." I clawed at his hands, I needed air or I was going to pass out.

Black dots began to dance at the edge of my vision and I thrashed around, trying to get him to release me. But he only continued to scream words I could no longer comprehend. When the black dots became total darkness, I embraced it and fell limp.

Breaking the SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now