Chapter 28: Run to Who?

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(@Miss_Bookie is my contest winner for picking a quote for this chapter. So chapter is dedicated to you girl!)

"You gotta use what you get to get what you want."- Ronnie, Player's Club



Here I was again, back on Tyrone's couch.

It seemed like lately he was the only one who wasn't or hasn't betrayed me.

"Here, take this." Tyrone came from his kitchen with two mugs in his hand. It had to be at least 2a.m. I took the mug from his hands and smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes and he saw. He frowned at me sitting down beside me sipping from his own mug.

"Tell me again?" He asked. I shook my head. I felt like if I retold the story again, it was going to make me vomit and I especially didn''t want to do that over his nice white carpet.

"You don't want me to throw up all over your nice carpet do you?" I pulled my knees to my chest on the couch and sipped my coffee before almost spitting it out.

"Tyrone, what the hell is in my coffee?" I rubbed my tongue against my jacket sleeve to get the taste off my tongue. Tyrone only smiled and it made me want to smack the shit out of him. This shit was not funny.


He only took another sip of his coffee, not even acknowledging how pissed I was. Anything could have been in my drink and knowing Tyrone, he could really do some stupid shit.


"Girl, chill. It's only a little bit of our good friend Jack Daniels." So he put liquor in my coffee?


"Yes,really. Seeing how your night was, I figured you needed it." I nodded my head, anger dissipated. He was right, but he could have at least told me.

"Besides, I've always wanted to get you drunk." He joked, I think. I never really could decipher the meaning behind anything he said. I knew there was a chemistry between him and I and it was there every time I was near him, but we both knew that something like that would and could not ever happen. We were too close to deal with the consequences of a hook up. I loved Tyrone too much to fuck up what we already had. No matter how good he looked in his muscle shirt right now.

But that doesn't mean I've never thought about it.

Back in the day all the time, but once I saw the girl he went after there was no point. Back then he wanted those uppity, egoistical bitches. They kept him on his toes and made everything a challenge.

God, all of that was bringing back memories and too many feelings. I took a big gulp of the coffee mixture and almost choked, shit was strong.

Tyrone's hand was quick to pat my back. "Jeez girl, slow down." I put my hand up for him to stop patting me while trying to catch my breath.

"I'm (wheeze) good. (Wheeze)." Damn, that shit hurt.

"Good, you drunk yet?" I shot him a dirty look while still holding my chest. He threw his hands up in surrender before laughing.

"I'm just tryna hear the story one more time, cause this shit is unreal." He took a swig. "But I always felt like something was up with that nigga a few months ago. He just looked like he was up to no good the day I saw him in the restaurant."

"You sure that wasn't jealousy?" I joked.

"Ha, no." he replied dryly. "I just gpt bad vibes from him and Nova? Mannnnn, she fooled me. But she's always been sneaky about her shit too. You remember in high school when we found out that she had been fucking around with Kevin while he had a girlfriend, then ruined that girl's life on Facebook?"

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