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I killed them... the thought crossed my mind for the zillionth time as I watched my parents eating their lunch quietly. The silence surrounding our plain dining room suffocated me even further when Mom's phone flashed bright, showing the name, Sammy, on the screen.

"Who's this?" my father asked without looking away from his plate.

"A trainee. You know that I allow them to contact me if they don't understand something," she calmly replied.

"But not after work. I told you so many times that what's in the work remains in the work."

"I know, but I need to be promoted in order to help you with Sierra's college, so I work on the phone as well."


"I will be late tonight. I might even come home in the morning. The deadline for the scheduled projects is in a week and there is still so much work to do." His displeased tone started choking me.

"Again?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Yes. Our company is barely keeping up with its profit from publishing those books so we have to work extra hard to at least earn our income."


"Mom, Dad, happy anniversary," I interrupted, opening the box of couple bracelets that I hid under the table and placed in front of them.

They looked at my gift, surprised; as if they had forgotten about it.

"You know that we grew too old for that sweetie," he said gently.

"Yes honey, this stuff is done by people around your age. You know, teenagers and the other young couples," she agreed.


"I know. But it is still the day you guys got married AND the day you guys decided to bring me into your life," I explained, smiling warmly as they both caught my hands, appearing touched by my words.

"You're right," she agreed smiling back.

"This sounds more like your birthday than our anniversary though," he teased, smiling as well.

"Well, I can celebrate it twice a year if I want but I like to keep each of them special." I winked at him, then grinned happily at Mom when he chuckled in disbelief.


"Like as if you will get your big allowance twice a year. But, you're effort is appreciated. I almost believed you," he teased again and we all laughed.

"Well then, I have to go change for work." He stood up from the table.


"Do you want for me to prepare dinner box for you?" she asked.

"It's ok. I'll order out."


"Sweetie, can you clean up after us? I just received a message about an urgent meeting and they need me right away. I will be back by evening, ok?" She asked me after checking her phone.


I was staring at the untouched gift as tears welled into my eyes, ignoring my aching heart once I was alone.

I cannot regret this. If I tell the truth, Mom will be dead and Dad will be her murderer, again.

The End.

Happy AnniversaryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ