Chapter 5

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Hunter POV

I sat on my chair, bored out of my mind as my father went on and on. It was the same thing every single Sunday. I didn't even see the logic in making the entire pack have lunch together.

My thoughts were halted when I heard him say ..

"And kids, no drinking, if I catch one of you, you will be in serious trouble. Got it? Now everyone, dig in!!" He said.

Everyone began devouring their food, I mean anyone would be starving if they had to listen to his rambling non stop, till he gave the 'okay' to start eating.

I looked around the tables, not even sure why but I couldn't spot that head of blond hair anywhere. No matter where I looked, he wasn't there. Not even by the seat next to his father that remained empty. He was the future Beta for crying out loud, he should know that his presence was requested even if he didn't like it!

Who the hell did he think he was..

I was about to dig in, when I caught his scent the smell of that girly soap he always liked to use. It was faint indicating that he was close by. The more I took it in the more I could smell something else mixed with it, though I couldn't make it out. Just that the scent coming off him was not purely his. I would know seeing as I had smelt it more than I can count. I knew his scent more than anything.

The smell got stronger making me look up. I watched as he come around the corner looking extremely mixed up. His hair was messy in all sort of places like it had been tugged on. His face was flushed and still heated . I didn't have to be genius to figure out why he looked like that. Or why he seemed to be catching his breath as he walked.

I watched as he shyly walked past everyone and sat next to his father. Coming from the same direction as him, walked a similar looking Elliot just as flushed as him. His hair just as mixed as his despite his trying to calm it down with his hands as he sat down next to Jeremy.

These fuckers didn't?They couldn't have?

Sure I made fun about him and Elliot hooking up before but I didn't think they'd actually do it. He looked too much of a scary cat to do something like that despite the eyes he gave Elliot all the time.

My rage grew the more I saw them stealing glances at eachother the whole time. Every time Elliot looked at him, he would shyly look away and play with the strings of his hoodie before he would look up and bite his lip staring at Elliot. His eyes swarming with lust.

What was he, a fucking girl? How can he get so shy just by being looked at by Elliot!

My anger grew to a point where my talons grew out and edged their way into the wooden bench. I could feel the heat on my skin as I growled lowly and looked at them. I wanted to punch his pretty face and make him stop looking at Elliot like that! It was gross!

Everyone got up and proceeded to the middle of the lawn to dance. This was how every Sunday afternoon was spent. Catching up and socializing on different things.

I nodded to Henry and Charles as I got up and took my father's bottle from the table without him seeing me, and went to the back of the pack-house. When I got there, I saw them cornering a very scared looking.


Well mostly Charles was. Henry just stood there looking down as if the entire ordeal bothered him and he would rather just leave.

"Well, well.. if it isn't the dick-lover" I said as I neared him. Henry and Charles moved out of my way, revealing those scared blue eyes to me.

"Wh..whaa.. what do you want" he said as he stuttered. I could smell the fear on him, but no matter how much fear he had, it could mask that overpowering scent that sent me into a rage-fit.

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